Category: Motherhood

Saturday Morning at 8:40am

There are some good parts of getting old. Surprisingly, it’s not old lady hair, sore hips, or sporadic visits from the Forgetter Fairy. She’s the

Saturday Morning at 8:23am

The weekend before Thanksgiving. Kids coming home. Steel myself for them to be flying through the air. Laundry done, clean sheets on the beds. Plumber

Saturday Morning at 10:44am

It’s Hallowe’en. This means goblins, monsters, ghosts, witches, to many. Here, it’s a sentimental holiday. You know how every mom has a mothering skill they

Saturday Morning at 4:48am

It’s 4:48am in California. But I’m in New Jersey. Where it’s 7:48am. None of the usual tea and toast. In my daughter’s first apartment. Listening

Saturday Morning at 7:47am

Last week there was a thunderstorm in Princeton late at night. My son IM’d me about it. Son: mom there’s an amazing thunderstorm here.Me: cool