Ironic Crafts – Cozies

I saw this on design*sponge.

These appear to be rock cozies. Cozies are usually for tea.

via Flickr

Cozies, as the name implies, are to keep things warm. I don’t really need to keep any rocks warm at this point in life. Perhaps in other years it would have been helpful. If we abstract the concept of a cozy to the next level, cozies are for something you took some time and care with, and that you are looking forward to enjoying. But if you leave this thing uncozied, it may suffer.

I do need cozies for other things in my life. My work, for example.

Me, with PictureIt!, since I am getting cooler by the minute, using this Flickr image.
My hellebores.

Me, with PictureIt!, even though I plan to learn the Adobe suite, using this Flickr image

I wish I had cozies for many things.

One Response

  1. Maybe the rock cozies could keep Hot Stone Massage stones warmer for longer, increasing the length of hot stone massages?

    Not that I have had one….yet.