Awards And What To Do About Them

I received my first blog award from another blogger and am both flattered and flummoxed. I am new to blogging and therefore unsure of the protocol. As you can imagine, being unsure of protocol makes a High WASP want to go on a very long safari. To Africa. And then throw in a trip to Egypt on the way back to delay the inevitable. The possibility of offending or annoying someone. So.

Thank you Midlife Musings. For the award. Here it is, below. I even put it in a frame.

The instructions were to pass it on to 15 blogs I have recently discovered. Eeek. That’s a lot. How about I do 5? And how about I do my best to give this award to 5 bloggers I think might be award-amenable? So, with no further muttering, here are 5 blogs I have recently discovered and either added to my RSS feed or followed them with that follower widget (always makes me a LITTLE nervous, given that I lived through the 1970’s in California, the heyday of cults, but never mind.)

Here are 5 blogs new to me. To all of you, I enjoy your blogs and I thought you might like this award. Thank you all for writing. And here you go. You can decide if you feel like passing it along to a blog or 2 or 5 that are new to you.

Beadsme – I’m not a beader but I like to look at her stuff.
Paisley and Pearls – I do love preppy girl blogs.
Livin’ Louisiana – The title says it all. Now I just need All Alaska All The Time, Make Mine Minnesota, etc.
The Cape House – Fantastic family photos from days gone by. Love the header image too.
indigo doll and the spectrum sprites – Mom with unique boy child. She herself has killer word talent.

If anyone else reading here is up for the award process, just comment here that you don’t mind, and then if I am not scarred forever by this experience, and if someone else decides to overlook my qualms, I will know where to look. You can also tell me if you really hate them:).

9 Responses

  1. Congrats on your Award. I clicked over from Happiness Project, enjoyed browsing. Lots of fun posts going on here!

  2. OMG. Less than an hour and I’ve already been rude! My apologies! I will consider how to rectify the problem.

  3. Congratulations! Yuu do deserve it!! I am humbled that you mentioned me! It is a valued opinion! I never win anything, so you have made my day. Blessings to you & I hope this note finds you in good health & complete serenity!

  4. What a great post. This is a Brave New World isn’t it, but boy is it fun!

    I enjoyed visiting your blog.
    Come see me-


  5. Congrats on your reward and thank you for passing it on to me.

    Pop back to my blog for details on how to get one of my daring bracelets.

    Thanks again

  6. LPC- many congratulations upon your totally deserved recognition… and incredulous appreciation of your endorsement.

    i feel like i should send you a carefully composed thankyou note on headed paper, and perhaps a fruit basket.

    fear not the “follow”, i think this is unlikely to end in an armed siege…