Apparently Navy Is Now "Indigo"

Retrogurl at nitro.licious posts this announcement from Lancome.

Yesterday in Paris, the Lancôme makeup team unveiled their latest fall 2009 color collection, Declaring Indigo. Created by Lancôme artistic director for makeup, Aaron De Mey, this collection celebrates Paris in all its vibrancy. Aaron chose shades that represent the glamour, the energy and the passion of Paris—indigo blue, bright red and luxurious gold.

Apparently navy blue, here in the “indigo” incarnation, is tres now. It’s even being declared. You see, when you have the same style all your life once a decade you become moderately fashionable.

Apparently one can even pre-order a makeup bag with navy blue brushes. Excuse me, I mean indigo.

Just when I was ready to move on to khaki. Sigh.

7 Responses

  1. indigo, navy, whatever! but the make-up on the picture looks hot! really love it!

  2. Laura, I am waiting that day with bated breath. Until then, I will just make that my personal style and declare myself to be in the fashion vanguard.

  3. Okay, this is where we get confused. Seriously adrift. We have been asking for some time now what the situation is with the color "real navy" as seen in Talbots, Bean and others. If something is "real navy," then is everything else unreal navy? What is that all about?

    And now we have to worry and wonder about the relationship between Real Navy and Indigo?

    This is why we have opposable thumbs?

  4. Princess, I will bow to you on the question of "real navy". You speak, I will write it in the High WASP code. But I will have to wait until I stop laughing about opposable thumbs.