Resources, Because We Can’t Do It All On Our Own

And finally, some resources. Please chime in if you know of others, these are in no way exhaustive.

Let me say first that I have always had the High WASP suspicion of following one’s bliss. Bliss is a rather untrammeled emotion. We don’t feel comfortable in the world of untrammeled anything.

Another problem is that my bliss might lead me to try to get paid for sitting on the sofa, looking out the window. Or, as an alternative, lying on the sofa reading Us Weekly.

People will only pay you for what you do. Not for what you hope or dream. And people will only pay you for doing something they think has value. So if my bliss involves grandiose schemes and there be dragons maps of faraway places, I might hesitate. But if my bliss is a little friend, perhaps with fur, that shows up, takes my hand and says, “Just take the first step,” well, that bliss I might follow.

In any case, it was a wise man who first said those words. To read more of Joseph Campbell’s thoughts, you can start here.

Smith Barney famously said, “We make money the old-fashioned way. We earn it.” If that inspires you, and doesn’t make you want to hide under the kitchen counter deviled by feelings of inadequacy, look here.

For contrarian, cantankerous, brilliant writing about how to have an audacious career, (and life for that matter,) read Penelope Trunk. Her most recent post is on why she loves Kate Gosselin.

For what to wear to work and always feel confident, read Corporette.

For how to approach the topic of self-development, which may turn out to be necessary once you have figured out what you want, you can read communicatrix, The Happiness Project, or RealDelia. Even High WASPs have come to understand that humans have feelings, and that a stiff upper lip, or even a stiff gin and tonic, won’t necessarily put everything to rest.

You can read a quote from The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work at even*cleveland, or EmilyStyle‘s excitement at her new career direction here.

If you are actually interested in my field of work, you have to read The Cranky Product Manager. Title says it all.

Or you can say never mind and instead pick up the phone and call someone you know. Who might know someone who knows someone who knows someone. And that someone will want to help you because, here’s the thing, it makes them feel valuable and good at what they do.

My final piece of advice from the ripe old age of 52? Going on 53? Press Talk. Or Send. Or even Submit.

Now let’s go find some more fun khaki.

13 Responses

  1. A fine list, and not because I'm on it. It's just a fine list (albeit one I'm delighted to be on, esp. nestled in there with Gretchen and Delia), and fine of you to provide it.

    That "submit" thing–that's really the key, ain't it? Oh, what we didn't know at 25…

  2. I was hoping to get paid for sitting on the couch WITH the stiff gin and tonic; no?
    Oh well, then these are excellent resources.
    I've really enjoyed the whole series!

  3. Over from I Pick Pretty. I have enjoyed your posts and your comment on Pretty's most recent one. Will be back again.

  4. Mmmmmm. Have been thinking a lot of Campbell-y, blissful thoughts lately. What could be lovelier?

    I have loved this segment. Thank you for sharing these bits of you. Now? Talk, Submit, Send.

  5. It's been my pleasure, in the way that hard stuff can be work and a pleasure at the same time. Even one's bliss can involve some nosing at the grindstone. I'm OK with that. And I so appreciate your comments. Pressing Post Comment now myself:).

  6. I wore my Tin Cup Wendy Brigode necklace today and thought of you! No khaki though…

  7. Interesting post!

    I've clicked on a few of the links. They are quite terrific.

  8. Ooh, this is excellent for food thought, LPC. I am musing career right now and these will be great thoughts to add to the mix.

    (BTW, I haven't posted your award yet. I am struggling with the 'submit' button. It's coming – I promise!)

  9. Thanks for the shout out!
    The Cranky Product Manager enjoys your blog, but alas you have made her aware of just how truly atrocious and non-WASPy her wardrobe is. She has become totally mom-ified of late.

    Anyway, thanks for reading and referring!

    The Cranky Product Manager

  10. I spent years in a mommified state. At one point I looked down and discovered to my horror that I was wearing houndstooth stretch leggings and a long gray tunic with a polo collar. However, those same pants caused my now best friend to notice me, so it was not for naught. Fear not. You will recover.

  11. I used the book “What color is your parachute?” during my career search process. There are a lot of writing exercises the author suggests to spark some thinking about what you like — similar to your “tell stories” advice.

    He also recommends talking to people in fields that interest you, as you do.