Safe In Harbour, Safe At Home

Work can be hard. It matters to be able to come home. To take a deep long breath and put your feet up on the sofa. Look out the window with nothing in mind. Maybe, imaginary if not real, the smell of the bay and the sounds of sails in the wind. A foghorn. Familiar waters.

From Peonies and Polaroid’s etsy store. If you somehow missed her wedding recaps, (maybe you aren’t obsessed with weddings like me?) they are among the most beautiful ever, in both word and image. Beautiful pictures are a good way to recover from hard work. Even better if they are on your wall at home.

Safe in harbour.

11 Responses

  1. Yes, home must be the "port in the storm." I've noticed since my son went away to school, he feels like this whenever he comes home as well.

  2. I agree! Sometimes when I'm feeling down I look at old photos or browse a coffee table book with pretty pictures.

  3. *sigh* Unfortunately, Beloved and I work together, and we run a small software development company. Work tends to follow us home…and everywhere else, for that matter.

  4. I am so very glad that the smell of the ocean…, passing boats and the sounds of the foghorn are real. And I often just sit there, watching, smelling the air and listening.

  5. Ahhh….I think back to my ultimate happy place. A sweet little yellow beach house on Boliver….it was blown away in a hurricane but I still have my pictures to take me back. They definatly help me get through the rough days.

  6. Thanks! I payed summerisaverb a visit, the pieces by Meg Carter are quite stunning…, I wish I could wear something like that shell necklace, meaning that I felt I looked good with it. I hardly ever wear any jewels actually, not even my wedding ring! Just like pastry…, jewelry is more eye-candy to me. Have a great 4th!

  7. stunning pick- I'm going to have to buy this once August rolls around! so true about needing your nook in the world to anchor yourself to and just let life pass by- even for just a bit- to collect yourself and your thoughts!



  8. Oddly we were just talking about one of our favorite trips while living in Oregon, driving down the coast to Pismo and Carmel, we were so blissed out it was heaven.

  9. I'm glad most people have a place of calm. But Jan, you do software development? Does that mean you like all the software guys I know are awake from 10am until 2am?

  10. You are so right! I have a hard time separating home and work since I own my own business, but I definitely need to remember this!