Awards, Mentions, Flabbergastation.

On Friday I saw that Delia Lloyd mentioned amidlifeofprivilege on RealDelia. I was flabbergasted. I really like her blog on becoming a grownup. It is about becoming, rather than one day being done with the process. And she writes, as in she does it for a living, for periodicals I’ve read all my life. I was, as I said, flabbergasted. And grateful. Thank you Delia.

Last week I also received the Premium Meme Award from blogger Brown-Eyed Girl. Let me just say that she used to work as a Petrophysicist in Denver and her husband is now a professor of something that involves trips to Iceland. Thank you Brown-Eyed Girl.

The guidelines of the Premium Meme are to list 7 of your personality traits, as evidenced on your blog, and then pass the award on to 7 other blogs with notable personality. OK. Here goes.

1. Loquacious. (Big word of the day) Which, as the point of enumerating points of one’s personality ought to be to improve said personality, I will now address by making this list short.
2. Enthusiastic.
3. Analytical.
4. Optimistic.
5. Anxious.
6. Curious.
7. And thinking to herself, hmm, if English were a simpler language, less of a mutt, perhaps designed by a computer scientist, these adjectives would have one word ending only and this list might have included the words, Enthusiastious, Analyticious, and Optimistious, which I cannot figure out how to pronounce. And also thinking, this list should have included Having Good Intentions But Being Sometimes Swept Away By The Process Or The Task At Hand, as evidenced by the singular lack of brevity in item 7.

The envelope please. This award now goes to; Jan at Jan’s Sushi Bar for constant good humor, f8hasit for the best About Me photo ever, materfamilias for repeated evidence of intelligence (she is an academic after all), Academic, Hopeful because she is writing a thesis and might need to procrastinate, Princess Freckles because she, like my daughter, is a ballet dancer and a friendly one at that, Lipstick at the Mailbox because I still think her daughter is a huge cutie pie, and Muffy Martini. Because she is Muffy and she will be getting married in the not too distant future. Should they choose to accept, of course, and with all due respect for etiquette.

In case you had forgotten, tomorrow is Monday. Glad to be of help.

13 Responses

  1. Regular, or unleaded, at the Flabbergastation? :)

    Definitely a good new vocab word.

    Congratulations! What an awesome mention!

  2. Congrats!
    Now I must check out a couple of those blogs you mentioned that I haven't seen yet. I've gotten some of my faves from you.

  3. Congrats to you and thanks for inviting me to play this meme! I'll happily join in altho' it may take me a day or two (especially since some of my time will be used in checking out the new-to-me blogs you've mentioned).
    btw, be careful how you use "flabbergasted" — a family joke 'round our way involves my then-early-twenties husband who, interviewed about a minor crisis at work, was then quoted in our city's main newspaper headlines — large bold letters, as having said he was "flabbergasted" — a word we would both have sworn, up 'til then, he never used. He's been careful to respect it ever since.

  4. Well, thank you! I appreciate your ability to be "swept away by the process"! it makes this blog one of my favorites to read! I'll have to pull out my dictionary for this one!

  5. Oooh! How fun for me! Thanks so much!
    Although darling, I appreciate the compliment on the photo. I know I should just say "Thank you" and leave it as such…but might I suggest that may need to make an appointment with your optomitrist.

    Congrats to you on your mention in RealDelia!

  6. Love your blog… but am a little insulted that you think I don't know the meaning of loquacious!?!

  7. Oh gosh. I hate to insult. I do that because I figure it's better to insult those who know than to embarrass those who don't…perhaps loquacious is more widely known than I thought. Never mind:). And thanks for loving my blog. It makes me quite happy.

  8. Oh my! Thank you so much! I do accept awards – I even pass them on from time to time!

    Again, thank you so much – this is quite an honor, coming from the High WASP!

    I think I need to change my shoes…

  9. Awwww…..thank you LPC and Pretty Girl says, "thank oooo berry much." *big smiles*