You Are A Great (Fashion) Read Award

I received this award from Sher at Fashion after 40. If you look on Sher’s blog, you will see I did however put a longer skirt on our friend above. Awards should mutate and follow the laws of natural selection. I also changed the award name. I am going to trust that I will not get into trouble.

Sher blogs about, as she says, Fashion After Forty. She takes a picture of herself, and what she wears, every day. And then she shows us. Her style is cheerful, not at all old ladyish. Not to mention great bathing suits.

The terms of this award are to reveal several things about oneself. Since Sher is a fashion blogger, I am going to tell you a few fashion things about myself. And then I am going to pass this award on to the fashion bloggers I read. Because, since I am still unemployed, I have a lot of time to poke around on the Internet, and might have some as-yet-unknown fashion reads.

5 Fashion Things You Didn’t Know About LPC:

  1. In the late 70’s I bought a long, black and gold and multicolored, silk dress, made by Carolyn Charles. Apparently she dressed Princess Diana later but I am sure it was a let down. Right now the dress is in a brown paper bag in my car ostensibly to be altered for my daughter. More likely just to keep me company on the way to the hardware store to buy new aerators for my faucets.
  2. While in London I also bought a 4 inch wide bright pink patent leather belt that wrapped twice around my waist and narrowed to a 1 inch strap to buckle. I wish I still had it. Just to look at.
  3. When I came back from India I had many glass and wooden bangles on my right arm. They jangled so loudly in business school that I had to break them off. I suppose my MBA has been of more value than bangles but I do feel there is a metaphorical similarity.
  4. I once had a letter published in Vogue magazine but it had nothing to do with fashion.
  5. I have cashmere sweaters in black, brown, gray, cream, pink, olive green, sea green, sky blue, navy blue, and pink. Pink with a rhinestone Hello Kitty on the lower left hand waistline. My sisters gave it to me when I turned 50.

Approximately 15 Fashion Bloggers Receiving The “You Are A Great Fashion Read” Award:

  1. Inside Out Style. This would be my recommendation on where to look first, simply because Imogen has no fashion agenda per se. She has scientific guidance on how to choose the proportions and colors that look best on you. No kidding.
  2. Une femme d’un certain age. My favorite “certain age” blogger to date. a) she loves Paris b) she knows what do with scarves.
  3. Passage des Pearles. Fashion over 50. The Duchess knows what she likes and what she doesn’t like. And she’s serious about elegance with pictures to prove it.
  4. Couture Carrie. How to get all you need to know about current fashion trends even when you will never wear any of it.
  5. nitro:licious. How to get all you need to know about current fashion trends for groovy 20 year olds and more. Although you, if you are me, will REALLY never wear any of this. You will only dream.
  6. a few notes on napkins. More 20-year old fashion, but in smaller, more digestible doses.
  7. Corporette. THE site for women who work in conservative offices.
  8. 3-Penny Princess. A J. Crew fan with friends who also like J. Crew.
  9. + SlynnRo, Mojito Maven, and Kate. Not strictly fashion blogs, of course, but these three smart and fun women were recently made Gap brand advocates, so I expect a good telling of the Gap story.
  10. The Lilly Bloggers. With Monograms and Manicures as the lead and many others. They now have a button, The Preppy Blog Crowd. I am most impressed with the entrepreneurial spirit.
  11. Fashion for Nerds. Exactly what she says. If nerds are arty, edgy, and cute that is.
  12. The Preppy Princess. A real newswoman, reporting on preppy and other fashion news, sometimes apparently fairly insider info, in a tongue-in-cheek, whowhatwherewhy style. I also have reason to suspect she hails from the High WASP ‘hood. But don’t hold that against her.

All right. If any of these bloggers would like to give us 5 Fashion Facts We Didn’t Know Before, I, for one, will be waiting anxiously to hear.

17 Responses

  1. Whoa, that's a lot of fashion blogs!
    Pink cashmere with rhinestone Hello Kitty?
    I had a big thing for Hello Kitty in college.
    Love the banner you made for your sis, as well.

  2. So…. you didn't nominate ME for the fashion award?!? After I revealed to you my wonnnnnnnderful fashion sense??? ROFL

    Okay I am just kidding. Because I realize I have no fashion sense. Clearly. I don't. :)

  3. Wow! Congrats! You totally deserve it! I simply adore your blog, it's tres chic, my dear! Happy Monday!

  4. Great -fashion blogs over forty! I did not know about their existence. And Sher knew a few things about movies filmed at the Rosecliff Mansion in Newport too, which is half an hour drive away from where I live.

  5. Hello, what a lovely blog you have here. Heavenly header too ! I've so enjoyed reading your posts and looking through your pictures – you are so very talented.

    Thank you so much and best wishes

  6. Midlife Mama, if you post some pictures of you in outfits, or even photos of your closet, or heck, clothes you like, I will award you like um, like, butter on toast….I love fashion blogs, but find I have a moment where my eyes will roll back into my head if I read too many. The over 40 blogs tend to be less overwhelming. Perhaps they understand their target audience and our limitations? Thanks all for your support and appreciation of my blog. You really don't know how much it means to me.

  7. Saw you are following a friend and thought I'd check you out. Really enjoyed readingyour posts thus far. Keep it up! :)

  8. Congrats on your award and thanks for honoring me, darling!
    I love your MBA bangle story!


  9. Congrats on a well-deserved award, and thanks for introducing so many new blogs — perfect distraction from the looming fall term.

  10. I appreciate that you come back here and thank me. Imogen and Carrie are tops in their fields. And they still thank me. Maybe that's one of the secrets to their success.

  11. Now we are truly flummoxed. All of us, you know, my, myself and why? (Heh-heh-heh.)

    Honestly Miss LPC, I am flattered and more-than-appreciative to be included in the group, it's very heady and we fear The Consort shall have to widen the doorways once again to allow my oversized head to float through.

    The best thing is learning about that pink patent belt along with validation of my belief that Princess Diana followed you when it came to fashion. Not to mention the addition of several new and fabulous sites to our radar, that is always fun. :)

    Thank you many times over!

  12. Thank you for the kinds words! You're so nice! I know it's Weds and only now am I catching up on "life" in the blog world. Hope you're having a great day!

    I would have loved to know what the letter to Vogue was. The articles I love in Vogue are the ones about the elite crowd of days gone by. For example..Stories about a woman who helped the art world, was an American, but lived in Africa, had a much younger husband etc LOL!