Saturday Morning At 9:42am

Took the boychild to the airport this morning. Think it’s time to start calling him young man. So sweet. Just love the way he looks when he hasn’t shaved. Young man.

Love you,


8 Responses

  1. Oh, and thanks for the hugs. Sorry, not always good with hugs. Working on it:). Cultural thing…Never too late to learn.

  2. Hello, LPC. I just discovered your blog. Love, love, love it!. I swear that most of your posts are speaking directly to me.
    I'm the mother of a 16 year old who went back to boarding school on August 17. Even though 16 is a tough age, I miss him so much.
    If you get a chance, check out my new blog. It's still in it's infancy but you do so inspire me.

  3. Hi Skyepeale! In answer to your question, yes the call them bugs…"MUD BUGS" to be exact. Are you gonna' try 'em?

  4. I have an award for you on my blog. You may already have it, but I wanted you to have it from me.