Fab Over Fifty – New Site Launching

A new site, called Fab Over Fifty, is launching in January. For those of us over 50, or almost 50, or wanting to understand the women-over-50 market, it’s run by Geri Brin, a former fashion media publisher. Here’s what she says.

Now I’m creating a website by and for every single one of us, whether we raised a family or raised the glass ceiling, dress in designer duds or don’t know Dries from Dior. Called www.faboverfifty.com, it will be the place where we can share the things that make us so fab—the shops we love, the creams we swear by, the books we can’t put down, and the wisdom we’ve amassed.

At the moment, she’s writing a blog introducing both topics of interest and people who are subscribing to her site. I was quite happy to be included. As one to shy away from controversy, I can’t tell you how fun it is to be to be written up, with others, in a post that calls out Anna Wintour. I could never do such a thing, but I secretly admire the audacity.

To be clear, I have no interest in segregating myself in a same-age cohort. I am far too fond of the young, far too invested in the issues and feelings of all ages. It seems, however, that Geri shares my sentiment. I found her via, of all places, A Cup of Jo. Apparently Geri mentored Joanna throughout her career. I can only imagine how satisfying that must of been for both of them, Joanna to learn, Geri to watch Joanna’s success, Joanna to support Geri now in her new endeavor. Having something to offer is overwhelmingly the best part of getting older.

12 Responses

  1. Mater – I also gave Geri your name as a blogger to highlight. So, here we are, Geri, mater, mater, Geri:). And Geri, thanks. TBS – you are in this age group? I would not have guessed.

  2. Its awesome how many connections we can make in the places we least expect.

  3. I have no interest in segregating myself in a same-age cohort

    I read "More" magazine for a while until I realized that I just did not identify with the bitterness that seemed to ooze from the pages.

  4. Loved your post on A Practical Marriage. I have no kids yet but I'm betting on them coming in first on the list too :)

  5. Don't wish to segregate myself either, Lisa, but I'm heartsick at seeing women over 50 ignored by designers, retailers and photographers- though certainly not by those who love, hire or send us tax bills.

  6. Hi LPC

    Not turned 50 yet but like to keep in touch with the older generation :) only kidding, I'm nearly there myself. Thanks for the info.