Lilly Cheers The Winter Olympics

Today I am at Lilly Lovers. Where Miss Lilly dashes off to watch the Winter Olympics on a wide screen TV.

(I like writing this “Lilly…with a twist” series because it is as close as I am ever likely to get to fiction. Everything I say here is as true as I can make it. Everything I say there is pure fantasy. And it’s fun, experiencing fiction, with a character who wants to tell her own story. Silly as it is, it’s fun because it’s not mine, and therefore is invented new every time. To say nothing of the interesting puzzle of relying on one and only one clothing line for all these scenarios.)

By the way, response to my survey has been far higher than I expected. Huzzah! I will discuss the results later this week. Thank you for bearing with me during this, our strategic planning offsite:). I forgot to order cold pizza for lunch as is common at these affairs, perhaps the conference site has some sandwiches they can bring in. With lukewarm coffee. Or we can skip that part.

We will return to our usual fare soon. Very soon.

8 Responses

  1. How did I not know about Lily? Glad you linked to her…I think. Added another blog to read, I am becoming addicted! but I love it!

  2. As noted on the other side of the interwebs, Lilly's looking ever-so-stylish. Grins & Giggles Miss LPC, tp

  3. Love Lilly! Fashion consultation please! Flying into DC from FL for a baby shower brunch in March. Had intended to wear a cute Lilly dress… Now, not so much! There will probably be snow on the ground still and I live in FL for a reason. Any thoughts on what to wear?