The True Reason To Buy Designer Shoes

Happy Friday everyone.

I wanted to remind you about the NaraCamicie giveaway. I’ll be drawing the name of the winner end of day on Monday. The prize is a $175 gift certificate against any purchase from the store. Doesn’t just have to be my particular favorites:). So if you’re interested, comment here.

I also wanted to show you these.

Very, very special designer heel taps. They came with the new shoes. Kind of makes it all worthwhile, don’t you think?

Have a wonderful weekend.

17 Responses

  1. Now those heel taps are something! I always take my new shoes to the cobbler to get plastic heel tips replaced with rubber (and you'd be surprised how many pricey shoes have plastic heels!).

  2. in all seriousness, i'd love to have these-mean-business heel taps on hand. i mean, you've seen what i do to my shoes.

  3. Yep, the heel taps definitely justify the purchase. As they say God is in the details, in life as in luxury brands.

  4. whatever this is, it is splendid!
    are these reserves? or do you switch the heels?
    more information please :)

    can't stop looking at this picture, thank you LPC for posting this.

  5. These are the little bitty things that go on the end of your high heel to keep it from getting worn down:). The shoes came with one pair installed. These are the extra taps – for when I have worn the first ones down what with all the skipping and jumping and sashaying I will be most certain be doing:).

  6. Have a great time in NYC! And, yes, the heel taps are great. I have a friend with a high school fashionista daughter who says that some girls are having their shoes re-soled in red leather! Crazy!

  7. There is nothing like the feel of an extremely well made shoe. And the fact that they make you feel extremely good…..

  8. I love it when an extra set is included, but I've never actually needed to use them! My toes seem to show wear before the heel.

  9. Hm, heel taps…I didn't know that was what they were called…I got a spare pair with some leather shoes from Spain…they were known as my witch shoes because the toes were seriously pointed! Like winkle pickers I suppose…and those shoes were around $200 maybe 4 years ago.
    I am guessing that you won't need these for a few years!
    Just for fun, how about sending us some pics of your well shod feet in various places in NY!

  10. Hi LPC,

    Love those Louboutins. They are seriously beautiful. I thought about you today while I was at work. I usually wear flats as I'm on my feet all day long, but today I wore a kitten heel, about 1 1/2". After 4 hours my feet were KILLING me! I don't think I could make it very far in those heels. But I would look good sitting in them.


  11. LPC,
    Thank you for naming heel taps for me.

    I never know what to call them.

    I have resolved to only buy quality shoes from now on. Less pairs but more longevity per pair.

    SSG xxx

  12. I've got them with my CL's but Cole Haan also includes them with their Nike Air heels (the ones Angelina Jolie wore when preggers with the twins). As an aside, I had a pair or two BEFORE Ms Jolie chose them as her "confinement" shoes of choice.

  13. This post so makes me want to run out to buy shoes I can't afford right now.

    Why, oh why, did I spend my last shoe money on a pair of impractical, Marc Jacobs clogs in two sizes two big, because of a stress-induced impulse buy?

    (Speaking of which, anyone out there want a pair of US size 7 yellow MJ yellow clogs?)