Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. Small slip of paper, please….
Wait. First I wanted to take a minute to thank you for your stories. They were lovely. 69 people told us about clothes they loved, or how they would wear the pictured blouses. Let me mention a few, although I am tempted to simply repost every single one.
From the class factotum, who wrote about a nightgown her mother made her, “a mother’s love, tangled up in blue,” to AgathaMChristie’s grandmother’s turquoise sequinned top, to the Stafford Wife taking a pashmina as a security blanket on airplanes, to Walking Barefoot, writing about the robes she wore to accept her doctorate degree and her fabulous wedding dress, to Peacock Feathers and Diamond Rings wearing the striped shirt as a young lawyer, Abigail feeling powerful in her black pants suit, and MJ, with the skirt she wore to get her first job at the law firm (where she is now partner) too “freighted with memory” to give away – all wonderful. And thepreppyprincess with a Ritz Cracker vest. Still wonderful.
In reading everything over yesterday I wished I could give a shirt to everyone who commented. Thank you.
But when I drew a name, this time from a silver pitcher, it came up Buckeroomama.
And Buckeroomama*, who blogs at Mamahood….Among Other Things about her life in Hong Kong with two adorable children, wrote this:
That white shirt from the Italian catalog? I have a VERY similar shirt that I bought when I was in Paris. A prized shirt, not only because of how it “flatteringly” it had fit me and what I’d paid for it, but also because I didn’t use a single word of English when I communicated with the salesperson (who didn’t speak English)… that totally boosted my confidence in my ability to speak and understand French –at least during my stay there. :) Sadly, though, the shirt was irreparably damaged when our helper “ironed” it. I haven’t found a shirt that fit as well since. Either that or I had been looking in the wrong places.
So Buckeroo, I will be getting in touch to give you contact information for NaraCamicieSF, and to ship the shirt once you’ve settled on which one you like. Congratulations! And again, thank you everyone who participated.
*And takes really great photos, BTW.
14 Responses
ahhhh, if I had known that this price also is available for people abroad … :-o
what a nice service!
Buckeroomama, enjoy your shirt!!
Congratulations to Buckeroomama! I hope the fit is as perfect as your shirt from Paris. And thank you to LPC, for generating so many meaningful stories. :)
*gasp* Thank you! When I saw your name pop up on my email, I was wondering why you might comment twice on the same post… I have the biggest smile on my face right now. :) Yay!
Lisa, you have the classiest giveaways in the blogosphere.
Contratulations, Buckeroomama!
Congratulations to Buckeroomama, and many thanks to you!
It was my pleasure. I love to give you all stuff. If I can do it with some style, even better. Thanks Jan. Buckeroomama, congrats again from the comments field.:).
I loved the comments you got to your giveaway post. I read every single one of them :) Congrats to Buckeroomama :)
Maybe we'll get a picture of her choice when she chooses the "one"
Thanks LPC for the giveaway!
Now that's the correct way to choose a winner :-) Congrats to your lucky winner! xoxo
Congrats to the winner! What a gorgeous giveaway.
What a beautiful way to draw the winner! Congrats to Buckeroomama!!!
Lucky Buckeroomama! Enjoy :-)
Thanks so much for the fun, LPC!
Oh, yay, Buckeroomama! I had forgotten, somehow about this. I loved writing about that top–it made my day to think about my grandmother and her aesthetic.
Thank you for hosting such a *fabulous* giveaway Miss Privilege, and congratulations to Buckeroomama! We loved reading every comment, people shared such great stories.
Smiles at you,