
Back. Uneventful flights, except for the spillage of warm nuts in my lap on the Chicago – San Francisco leg. More words and some pictures to follow. If only jet lag didn’t make me feel like I’m on a on a perpetually shifting and not-too-well-captained boat. Oh well, small price to pay for seeing best friends, Belgian greenery, and Parisienne, um, Paris. Talk to you soon.

17 Responses

  1. Yay! You're back safe and sound! I'm so glad you had a good trip – now get some rest. :)

  2. Sounds like a naughty little trip with the spillage of warm nuts! ;o)

  3. hope to see your beautiful pics up soon. do get some good rest. :)

    ~ash&ash's mum

  4. Chortling at Suburban Princess's cheeky comment . . . Rest up! Get over that nasty jet lag, and we'll be patiently waiting here for your photos and stories. Glad you're back safely.

  5. Hope that you sleep well and get back into the time zone with relative ease…stay hydrated…and have a pj day!

  6. Simply cannot WAIT to see pictures and hear more!!! Too bad your flight was nutty. (I do apologize. I just HAD to run with the pun!) ;)

  7. Suburban Princess – I didn't even GET what you said! I am a dork! Muffy, as long as we doing this, the more puns the better. Hostess, I am hydrating. Jan, Fuchsia, Maureen, Ash, Patsy, Sewing, Belle and Mater, I MISSED you all!

  8. Home again, jiggity jig. Glad you're back and can't wait ot hear aaaaaaall about the fabulous bff abroad time!



  9. Glad you had a wonderful trip and visit with your friend. How wonderful was this little jaunt in your week? Wonderful pictures too. :) xoxo

  10. Hi LPC
    Glad you are safely home.

    Can't wait to hear more of your adventures.

    SSG xxx