The Green Hills Of Wiltshire, Or, Saturday Morning at 7:24am

I am in terribly good spirits.

It’s supposed to be sunny this weekend. In Northern California, by this time, we’ve usually entered a season of uninterrupted blue skies. But it’s been raining when we would have expected sun.

I plan to go to the nursery and buy herbs to plant. I am sure I am too late but I don’t care at all. I like the process of walking the just-watered paths of nurseries before the sun is overhead, laying newspaper in the back of my dowdy RAV4 to carry home my plants, and pulling on new gloves. Maybe flowered ones. Sturdy Gals like to garden above all else.

And my son landed in Buenos Aires yesterday. First reports are cheerful.

I imagine you might say to yourself, “Enough with the abrupt announcements of overseas travel!” Sorry. I think I mentioned he wanted to spend the summer in Argentina, in comments, in the post where you all gave me such good advice about his possible path to making a living. Maybe I misremembered. That happens these days. In any case, he’s studying Spanish and Argentinian literature this summer. And living the life of a young man in Buenos Aires. Go Piglet. Yes, I call him Piglet sometimes. Not his favorite nickname, but mother privilege applies.

I love it when my kids have a space in front of them threaded with opportunity. Maybe not a moment to choose or even know the way forward, but I imagine green hills that almost certainly have paths, somewhere, to the other side. Or chalk horses.

New to me is this. Someone else paid for his summer. A Princeton alumnus created a fund, in my son’s department, for kids to learn languages. Feels like a step in which he funds his own creative adventures. Go Piglet.

As I said, I’m in good spirits. Jet lag is gone. Sun is shining. The birds are very loud. I hope you all have wonderful weekends. For those in the US, have a good long weekend, kicking off another summer.

21 Responses

  1. I have been to Mendoza and Salta, not BA, but I really liked what I saw of Argentina. What a wonderful opportunity!

    I, too, will spend the day gardening. I have given up on the seeds I planted a month ago in pots and am just going to buy already flowering plants. And I have more tomatoes – heirloom – to plant. It is a gorgeous day here.

  2. Glad to hear that you have recovered from the jet lag.

    Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned. Heirloom tomatoes are so tasty…I'll bet they grow much better where you live as it is sunnier and much warmer than here.

    What a wonderful opportunity for your son to travel and study in Argentina! I confess I do adore children's nicknames…and Piglet sounds so sweet.

  3. I just realized that I also commented on Class Factotum's posting here!
    Oops…oh well, it's like a coffee morning we are all sharing in the gift of gab.

  4. It is feeling like summer in Kansas City, a beautiful weekend indeed!

    Art by Karena

  5. What an exciting summer for your son. Growing up happens in stages, and I like to hear about kids who do it well. I planted a few moonflower plants this morning. I had never heard of them, but found a few at a great little garden shop and thought I'd give them a try. Giant white saucer shaped blooms at night that close by noon the next day. I couldn't resist. I always like to add a few oddballs to the garden.

  6. A wonderful summer for your son and a great opportunity – know just what it is like to have offspring with travel/wander lust… Just pleased to report that she (daughter) is wandering this way next week – hooray – she will be with me in Oz for a while! Pleased your jet lag has disappeared too.. Also, many thanks for the link to my blog – so sweet of you! x

  7. Thanks for the link about chalk horses. Why haven't I heard about them? Amazing. I bookmarked the blog too!

    Loved this sentence best: "I love it when my kids have a space in front of them threaded with opportunity." Seems to capture the essence of motherhood.

    Have a great Memorial Day.

  8. Popped back in from Montreal to check on the chat here and see that my comment left yesterday never registered — I did read and enjoy the post, am glad you're over the jet lag, and congrats on your young 'un funding his own opportunity — sounds like a wonderful one!

  9. I´m happy to hear that you are back to normal again. And great, that the sun is shining in your part of the world too! What a marvelous opportunity for your son. Free to experience living in a new culture.

  10. I believe that moments like this…moments of simple abundance…make the dodgier times more palpable. I planted basil yesterday.


  11. LPC – Any chance you will be able to visit your son in BA? I passed on a trip there a few years back and regret that.

  12. Oh, I'm so glad, Lisa..! I can imagine you in the sunshine, walking along aisles of freshly watered plants and herbs, and later on planting your garden.

    And your son is finding funding for his own creative adventures? Sounds like he's going to be more than fine, dear. What a wonderful opportunity indeed.


  13. Class F. – I planted one tomato plant. I have NO idea what will come of it:).

    Hostess – Piglet sounds sweet to me too:). And if anyone wants to talk to the other commenters – absolutely. That's my favorite.

    STREETSFN – I looked at your blog. Are those photos really yours? I mean, not to be rude, just that they are so amazing. Tell us more about yourself on the blog. Heck, I'd love to put some photos from you up here.

    Karena – Enjoy your summer too.

    Gourmetmom – Moonflowers sound wonderful. I try to keep my odd stuff in the backyard, on the other hand, having herbs and tomatoes in the front is already pretty dang odd. Good thing I'm in California…

  14. Agirl – :). Thank you.

    SemiExpat – You are welcome. Those horses are amazing and I loved your photo.

    Kathleen – You're welcome. I asked myself the same question. And thanks for the kind words.

    Mater – Thank you for popping over. Reports continue to be good from young one.

    Mette – Yes, understanding that there are many ways for cultures to thrive is to me the hallmark of a good education.

  15. ADG – Onward to bruschetta. Preferably eaten in sunshine.

    DocP – I'm operating on the assumption that having mom show up would not be the right thing this time round. We shall see. It looks just gorgeous on the webcams I am now helicoptering.

    Maria – It was just like that. Now I'm watering and hoping for the best. So far son says food is really good in Argentina:).

  16. Hostess, I wish it were warm here. But we take advantage of what we have!

  17. What a wonderful opportunity for your son, tho I'll bet you'll miss having him around.
    Happy Gardening!

  18. Glad to hear you are in such an upbeat mood! I do love nurseries too. So much potential to be had by getting a little dirt on the hands. I'd love to see your garden!

  19. Hello and welcome home. My oldest childhood friend, Dominic lives in Uffington, just underneath White Horse Hill. It's a magical place and makes you want to walk the chalk down for miles and miles.

    I hope your son enjoys Buenos Aires. It's a great, great city, on a par with Paris and London.

    Enjoy your garden.

    xx Miss W