The hostess is in her pyjamas.
The night has come to its attenuated end and she lies, eyes closed, arm across her face, on the sofa. It was a wonderful party. As soon as her hand dropped, after the final wave at the final backs of her last friends in the late night snow, she ripped off her terribly smart cocktail dress and donned flannel PJs. Cocktail dresses always require wires. She has flung off discomfort with a last burst of enthusiasm.
The dishes are rinsed. Those that did not fit in the dishwasher cover the counter. No matter. There’s time enough for more cleaning in the morning. One last task before bed. The prizes.
Her friends have recounted the most marvelous stories. The most marvelous stories. Too many to recall or repeat. But in the end the Random Number Generator spoke. It had an opinion. It said,
The Preppy Princess placemats go to Stacey from Pittsburgh.
The By Kilian perfume samples go to Dreamlyn
The CSN gift certificate goes to Jan
The Plus Size outfit goes to Pam
The Shabby Apple dress goes to Sylvie
The vintage Ferragamo goes to Rhonda
Please email me, BY TUESDAY November 23, at the skyepeale email address, and we will arrange the logistics.
I wish I had more presents to give you all. Everyone who commented should get a present. In 2011, I will search presents out and bring them back. We will have more parties. Maybe in our pyjamas, as there is nothing better than flannels at midnight.
Thank you all so much for coming. We will do it again soon.
21 Responses
I feel as if I won a prize, too, because I enjoyed reading everyone’s stories. Thanks for a wonderful party!
I feel the hostess vibe here…and am happy that I could join in…in the end it’s really not about gifts…it’s all about moments.
I am happy to be in your company.
Hey Lisa-I didn’t participate in any of this (living in the UK…perpetual slob…time-challenged, etc) but just wanted to say how much I loved following it, especially the way you narrated it as a party. I really love the new look and feel of the blog. Bravo!
Delia Lloyd
Congratulations winners! Looking forward to more parties.
What fun! It was about the moments.
Congratulations to those who got presents!
I won? I WON?!? I never win ANYTHING!
Thank you Lisa – your housewarming party has been divine!
Congratulations to all of the winners – and really, to all of us, for having been invited to the party. But pyjamas with a “y”? Really? That must be one of those upper-class things that was absent from my upbringing.
It was a wonderful party! Thanks for hosting! :)
Lisa, thank you for hosting such a wonderful blog-housewarming party. I can’t tell you how delighted I am to be heading home with a swanky new plus-size outfit. Thank you so much to you, your random number generator, and the lovely folks at Fashion to Figure. (I’ve just checked their website – they will ship to the UK – yay!!!)
I’d also like to thank the lovely commenters who have congratulated the prize-winners. Thank you so much for sharing in our joy. This, too, is a prize that I treasure.
I can’t remember the last time I won anything. Oh yes I can, it was a bottle of apricot brandy at a summer fete, when I was about seventeen. That was also delightful, but in a different way, as you might imagine. Fortunately I had help from a number of friends in the drinking of it. But this outfit – this one’s all mine, bwahahahaha!
I wish you could see how wide my smile is right now. A plus-size smile, for a plus-size prize!
This has been a lovely celebration Miss Privilege, you are a more-than-gifted hostess. Thank you for throwing such a delightful party!
Happy weekend to you, and congratulations to all who won tangible gifts, we all benefited from the gala event by getting to read everyone’s stories!
I had a wonderful time! Congratulations to all the lucky winners.
Great party, Lisa! I want to congratulate the winners!
As I have been the recipient of one of your giveaways this year, I thought it inappropriate for me to contribute any of my personal stories to the party. However, those placemats and the black dress were certainly very tempting.:)
Have a wonderful Friday!
Thank you so much, I’m so excited! Best party eva!!
Fabulous party! And I’m all for flannel pjs after the whole thing is over. Congrats again on your lovely blog redesign!
xo Mary Jo
Thanks so much for the invitation to keep dropping by. I appreciate the gift! My favorite part of a party is the debrief after all the guests have gone home. This past summer, there was a debrief with a friend and my son who are both just entering the 20’s. They had hosted some friends for a terrific time. One of my best memories.
Congrats to all the winners!!!!
I am humbled by your graciousness. J’adore winning! I look forward to choosing an appropriate dress and wearing my very own Shabby Apple during the upcoming holiday season and, if I choose well, for years to come. It was so nice being amongst such lovely company.
Congratulations to all the other winners!
Oh, this has been too much fun. Congratulations to all the lucky winners! Lisa, I love your after party description. True, there is nothing better than “flannels at midnight” and the knowledge that your party was was a smashing success.
Congrats to the winners!
Congratulations to all of the winners! Thanks for a fabulous party, Lisa!
Congratulations to the lucky winners!