The Time Comes For More Beautiful, Or, Saturday Morning at 9:00am

The time has come. My blog redesign is ready to see the light of day. The next time Privilege has anything to say, it will come from a far more beautiful space.

I would love it if you continue to find us, read us, talk to us. I say us because while clearly I’m the Prime Natterer, Privilege[d] commenters set a high bar. As we used to say in the business world when we meant Do A Really Good Job.

If you subscribe in an RSS feed, you should be migrated without a hitch. The same if you follow in the Google Follower widget. If you come directly to, you should be magically redirected to the new URL. So finding me should not be a problem. Or so they say.

Of course, having worked in software much of my career, I know sometimes things don’t quite go as planned. So, in the event that come Tuesday afternoon – the time I have planned the first post on the new blog – you do not see Privilege in your Reader, or on your Google page, or are not redirected from the usual URL/blog address – please email me and let me know. I will still be at the other end of skyepeale[at] Or you can find me on Twitter. Where I will still be @AmidPrivilege. Posting photos that frequently include a glass of Sauvignon Blanc.

This is an appropriate moment to thank you all again. You enrich my life enormously.

Have a wonderful weekend.

35 Responses

  1. Lisa I am very excited for you!!

    Do come and see me soon! I have a wonderful interview with Empress of the Eye!

    Art by Karena

  2. Looking forwrd to the big reveal…
    if I may be so bold…did you do this solo or get some professional designer to help?

  3. I look forward to seeing the new design. It is good to be able to follow you, and I hope it goes as planned.

  4. Hi LPC…Here's hoping the transition will be a smooth one. I can't wait for the unveiling!


  5. Looking forward to seeing it, and yes, I would say to community of "Privilege[d] commenters" is fabulous. Thank you, "prime natterer!"

  6. No, no, no, you enrich our lives. Thank you for existing.

    As the French say, "If you didn't exist, we would have to invent you."

    I'm sure the original is unique.

    I will be hysterical if I don't get an automatic connect, but I'll get back to you and you can handle the tech end. I'm a tech twit as I've mentioned on more than several occasions.

    Now, I shall send this and catch-up on the rest below.


  7. Dear Ms LPC, I am looking forward to your new format. I am sure it will be elegant and beautiful.

  8. Look forward to the redesign. Are you switching to WordPress or will you continue to use Blogger?

    Soft and hard launches always have their challenges. Hope your transition goes well.

  9. thanks for following my blog and am equally perplexed about the bath shot but thought it was quite funny at the time! hope you continue to read and will also accquaint myself with your blog as it looks great

  10. How exciting! It will be like seeing the paper come down from the department store windows when they reveal their Christmas displays… lots of anticipation.

  11. Very Nice!

    I’m glad to see the Archetypes up top. I found myself thinking about something in those terms the other day.