And this is where I will be the weekend after next. Ta da! First blogging conference for Privilege. I realize, belatedly, that it would have been polite to make this announcement when I might have said, “Do come!” Unfortunately, the conference is now sold out. Fortunately, The Broke Socialite, who has put the the event together, says 2011 will be even better.
So I will attend as advance scout, to report back to you all on whatever it is I learn, and whoever it is I meet.
In case you also consider, on occasion, going to a blog conference, here are the parameters I used to make my decision.
- The person in charge. I have known Shameeka in the virtual world, via A Broke Socialite, for over a year now. I follow her on Twitter too, and am consistently impressed with her drive, her sense of humor, and her warmth. In my experience, as they say in Chinese, the fish rots from the head. Or, you know, makes good use of fins.
- Target attendees. Lavish! was organized for 125 lifestyle bloggers, otherwise known as people who write about food, travel, clothing and house style. BlogHer, on the other hand, while generating much laughter and camaraderie, is in many ways still a conference for mothers, attracting sponsors that hand out disposable diapers in the lobby. Alt Design Summit, although to be commended for asking Meg to speak, targets alternative sorts. Artsy Cousins, in other words. I’d feel out of place. Not something to seek out, right?
- At least one friend in attendance. Our friend, the Queen of Cashmere, will be at Lavish! That means that come the Friday cocktail party, or Saturday dinner on our own, I have a buddy.
- A value-added venue. We are staying and conferring at the Mansion on Peachtree in Atlanta, Georgia. Where they have a spa. When in doubt, massage. When in serious doubt, facial.
- Overall experience fit. In my opinion, a blog conference is a trade show. I know trade shows. The last time I had a bad time at a trade show was the result of standing for 2 days, talking to semiconductor companies, 7 months pregnant. I like initiating conversations as one waits for lunch or standing alone by a wall looking at the crowd mill and throng. Were I a true introvert, or unused to these sorts of events, I would never force myself to go.
So if you are in Atlanta, and happen to be walking by the Mansion on Peachtree, come Friday morning, feel free to stop by and say hello. Feel free to run into the spa, and yell out, “Lisa!” Feel free to tell me you’re in the bar and I should join you. Otherwise, I’ll report back in a few weeks with everything of relevance. If there’s anything you see on the itinerary that particularly interests you, let me know and I’ll try to attend that session, or pay attention to that issue.
(Here, by the way, is a listing of all sorts of 2011 blog conferences, for your file, should you have such a thing.)
25 Responses
I love the coral and blue invites, but that’s probably not a really good reason to attend.
If I were in Atlanta, I most certainly would be yelling “Lisa” in hopes of getting together for a cocktail!
Oh my goodness– how IDEAL! I just love it. You will have the BEST time. I’m quite green with envy, you know. FUN! Can’t WAIT for your recap. Be unWASPy and take photos of EVERYTHING.
How kind and I can’t wait to give you a good, ol’ fashioned Southern hug. I may not be a high WASP but you are kindred spirits with us high BAPS.
Love-love-love that you are going to this! And while not exactly pea green with envy, perhaps there’s just a touch of a puce aura about the cranium. (Not. You know I want you to have a blast.)
Looking forward to some fab tweets and photos and outfits of the day… or night. :)
How lovely have a great time xx
Oh, I’m jealous – I wish there was a conference targeted at middle-aged food bloggers who tend to post too many pictures of their grandson.
Have a good time and tell us all about it when you get back!
Dear Ms Lisa, Atlanta sounds like a lovely place to spend the weekend. I envy you all the very interesting bloggers you will meet and wow. Have a lovely time at the spa and I hope you give that great Prada frock another outing at a swish nightspot. Cheers Linda xxx
Ohhhh. I don’t think Alt targets Alternative types. I think it targets Mormon lifestyle family bloggers, along with assorted other design folk. I am neither, but I have an excellent roommate and some friends to get drunk with, and a reader brunch, so all will be well.
(*I* am an artsy cousin, so that is probably your confusion. But, I’m an artsy cousin with family china and a 100 year old silver mug engraved with my name, so I’m still exactly archetypal.)
Oh – it sounds amazing. Imagine the people watching with that many gorgeous, stylish people in one spot….
“The Mansion On Peachtree” – even its name sounds special.
The conference sounds like fun Lisa! 125 attendee’s so there’s bound to be a lot of connections made…
I think you definitely should explore the spa…and report back :)
Have a safe trip.
Sounds like a wonderful and inspiring conference. Enjoy and report back to us each and every detail. Darn, I never get asked to these things and I love Atlanta. XO
Lisa: I´m sincerely happy that you can attend this conference : ) I had no idea these even existed, but now when I read your report, I think it is so perfect for you. Seeing and hearing things, the most interesting ones blogging to us all. So great!!
Surely wish I’d known! Would’ve loved to have driven to Atlanta and had a little meet-up! Do have the most fun!! xoxo
sounds like fun, the spa part at least. . . I look forward to hearing your report.
Good for you! I hope you have a fantabulous time and come back and tell us all about it. XX
I have never been attracted to Blogher( too much mommy focus for me) but this one sounds very interesting. Wish I had known about it before. Have a great time!xoxo
I first read about blog-conferences on Poppissimas blog. They hardly exist in Europe or am I missing something? The venue looks very agreable, nice!
I run shrieking from networking events, put off by the ceaseless, aggressive (to me) promotion. But the blog world may rise above such behaviour, and you seem extroverted enough to enjoy yourself. Bound to be interesting women there.
Patsy – Ha! I think it’s a great reason…
Muffy – I will do my best to put all WASP shame in my bag and leave it there, taking the camera out instead.
TBS – Looking forward to that hug. And kindred spirits.
TPP – Oh I plan to tweet up a storm. And hold me to the photos, you and Muffy.
Ruth – Thank you so much!
Jan – Ha! There is BlogHer Food, you know…
Linda – I will certainly give the Prada frock another outing. With investment dressing you’ve got to amortize:).
Meg – Really? I guess I got it wrong from my browsing. Which makes you think – alt ought to review its marketing materials. And, I appreciate your archetypal qualities:).
Hostess – You bet:). Spa appointment is already made. I agree on the small size of the conference too.
A Gift-Wrapped Life – I wasn’t invited either:). Just read about it on the blogosphere and screwed my courage to the sticking point.
Mette – Thank you. I do wonder if these things exist in Europe.
Preppy 101 – Yes. I know. It was dumb of me. I’m shaking my head at myself. Would have been so fun to say hello.
Mater – I will try to blog like I’m at the opera:).
Lori – Thank you. I will.
La Belette – Yes. I know. My fault. However, I hope you and I some day meet up in your neighborhood.
Paula – Yes, Poppy Buxom is a BlogHer maven!
Duchesse – The years I spent as a salesperson rattled off some of my sensitivities. It’s been a good thing, overall.
hi lisa,
i really don’t want to sound ignorant here but what exactly is a blog conference. i mean besides meeting up with other bloggers what do you do? is it a way to grow your blog? help me out here. it sounds like so much fun, esp the spa part!
Thanks so much for adding Blog Conference Newbie Guide’s 2011 blog conference list as a resource in your post!
Hope you have a great time at Lavish! I agree with what you said – know your target audience with conferences. Because there are so many, you want to choose the right fit for you, your time, and your money.
Lavish will be my first blogging (un)conference ever. I am so excited to see what’s in store! Working as an estimator in the construction industry, most people I work with everyday do not even know what a blog is. I am so excited to finally connect with others in the Atlanta area with similar interests. It will be a weekend of hanging out with people that actually “get” me. Hope to see you there! :-)
Janet – Blog conferences bring together bloggers with shared interests, presents them with information useful in improving their blogs, and allows them to meet eachother. At least, if I’m not nuts that what they do::). We shall see.
Tamara – My pleasure. It’s difficult to sort out the various conferences and know what is available.
Krista – See you there! I can imagine the gap between your work and any design interests:).