Lip Balm, Or, Saturday Morning at 9:11am
I sent my daughter a package this week. She had hit a rough patch, and asked me to send a care package the way I
I sent my daughter a package this week. She had hit a rough patch, and asked me to send a care package the way I
Little known fact. I joined Twitter in August of 2008, when a sales lead came in, source marked, “Twitter.” One must do one’s research, after
Did any of you watch soap operas? In the days before reality TV, YouTube, and Twitter/Facebook, they were the only way to indulge in daily,
In my opinion, Scrunchies get a bad rap. Perpetrated by wearers who pulled ponytails higher than they should. Permed their bangs into a frizz no
Today I, along with The Blushing Hostess and Miss Janice, am over at The Entertaining House. We are talking about children and manners. I am
Seems like that moment in the year when the Ferris wheel scrapes bottom. That small instant when we wonder, “Are we going up again?’ Skies
Went to the city yesterday. Yes, that’s what we in Northern California call San Francisco. What? It’s not the only city in the world? Well,
My father reads this blog. (Hey, I had to enlist his counsel when I reviewed Cheerful Money. He used to review books all the time.
Joyce Hor-Chung Lau, a reader of this blog and, more importantly, a writer for the International Herald Tribune and The New York Times, asked me
Big box stores make me whimper. I think I know why. We’ve all got our ways to understand the world. My professor father taught me
My father turned 79 the other day. We gathered, some of us, for dinner. We ate in the dining room. Among family. We gave my
I have been tagged, for 10 things that make me happy, by One Fabulous Mom. She of the tummy tuck that worked, a writing career,
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