Discovering Artists: Brigitte Carnochan

Brigitte Carnochan
A Bird Comes

As I have done before, here, and here, today I’d like to introduce you to an artist. The photo above, and the two below, are by Brigitte Carnochan.

This time, however, I can’t actually claim discovery. Brigitte, I must tell you right off, is my stepmother. We call her Gitta, and she’s a photographer. The sort who shows her work in galleries, teaches classes, and gets written about. She’s agreed to let me showcase some pieces.

The work above is from her latest show. Why the pattern of the tree makes me want to cry I could not tell you. Perhaps the simple reference to tears. The show is called Floating World. As she says,

While rummaging through a used book store in Princeton, New Jersey, I discovered a volume of poems translated by Kenneth Rexroth and Ikuko Atsumi in 1977. The poems were by Japanese women from the 7th through the 20th centuries and represent all the major styles during this period—from the Classical to Contemporary schools. I was immediately drawn to the poems, and as I read them—so allusive and rich in imagery—I knew that I wanted to make their photographic equivalents.

The calligraphy you see in each image is the name of the poet.

Gitta was first recognized for a series of hand-painted nudes, and flowers. The nudes are often dancers. Often masked.


This magnolia exemplifies what I like most in Gitta’s work. Lush, hushed with import. I have very strong opinions about art and not-art. Pretty art in particular walks a narrow path on a high mountain. This keeps its footing.

Magnolia III

If you’re interested in owning any of Gitta’s photographs, you can see more at Verve Gallery. You are welcome to contact them. Pricing, for example, of Aphrodite above, is $1,500 for a 9.5 x 9.5 hand-painted silver gelatin print. A Bird Comes, above, from Floating World, is an archival ink pigment print, and can be had in a 8.75 x 8.75 version for $600.

And, if you are interested, note again that Gitta’s recent works draw deeply from Japanese poetry and art. Floating World opened last December, months before Japan’s recent earthquake and resultant tsunami. It is too sad, too difficult for me to post the lead image from her show, but suffice it to say that in light of the tsunami, the image bears weight no one could have predicted.

From March 23-30 Gitta and Verve Gallery will donate 25% of the proceeds from her sales to the Save the Children Japanese earthquake tsunami relief fund.

Gitta was a board member at Save the Children for a number of years and says they are very well run. If this is something that moves you, again, you should contact Verve Gallery via phone: 505.982.5009, fax: 505.982.9111 or email: Please mention this post so they know to earmark the donation.

Otherwise, please enjoy this still moment.

33 Responses

  1. Just spent some time on the Verve Gallery website – her work is absolutely stunning. So beautiful and powerful, while restrained. Thanks for the introduction.

  2. Wow. I am so glad you featured her Miss LPC, she has an amazing eye. Magnolia III here and Heart of a Man on the verve site have to be two of my favorites, but there isn’t one I wouldn’t love to have, not a one, they are all stunning.

    Thank you for sharing her with us,

  3. Her work is hauntingly beautiful…and the black and white photography feels so rich. These would elevate and add interest…you might be fortunate enough to have one hanging in your home!
    Thank you for the introduction to her work.

  4. So, so, so gorgeous and moving. I can’t believe they are photos.

    I clicked on the lead image – thank you for preparing me. Haunting.

  5. These pictures just draw you into their depths. So much to fathom there on so many levels – and the mystery still remains. Thank you for presenting them here. I also sincerely hope that donations via sales will come in generously.

  6. Thank you so much for this post. I had only just finished reading a blog post that really taxed the outside limits of my ability to control my temper, advertising a service so ridiculous, vapid, shallow, and out of the realm of everything for which that blogger purports to advocate that I was tempted to shoot her an angry WTF of a comment. But I decided, since I aspire to high- WASP manners, to take a breath and distance myself from the situation, so I came over to your blog. And look: you’ve advocated for beauty, for essential humanity, for the loveliness of nature, and for human compassion. And I feel much better now.

    And Gitta’s work is stunning.

  7. These are gorgeous Lisa! I love the nude, the way her legs are positioned in the tulle–just beautiful! And love the flower too! Would love to see more! How wonderful that you’re related! I enjoyed seeing these!

    xoxo Mary Jo

  8. Jill – I know you’re not. And I imagine you might also really like her calla lilies.

    kathy peck leeds – You are welcome.

    Jan – :).

    TPP – I hadn’t even seen Heart of a Man. Thanks for pointing it ou.

    Hostess – I did, at one point, have a flower of hers.

    Holden – Thank you!

  9. Karena – Thank you, especially in light of your expertise.

    Patsy – Yes, it would have felt exploitative to post that, but nor could I fail to remark.

    Stephanie – :)

    Mette – My pleasure. I could imagine these have some place in your aesthetic.

    Vivelavie – Oh thank you. So do I.

    KBG – What a lovely, gracious comment. To leave the offender anonymous, and concentrate so much praise here. Thank you.

  10. deja pseu – Thank you.

    Tabitha – What an honor. Glorious.

    Ms. Givens – I suppose it’s one of those true luxuries.

    Miss Cavendish – Yes, it’s been wonderful.

    Mary Jo – Thank you! Please feel free to look around!

  11. Lisa–Your readers are very generous. I enjoyed their comments (how could I not!)? It has certainly been a bright spot to be included in your blog. Many thanks! Gitta

  12. Lisa,
    you described her work perfectly!
    Lush, hushed ~ very poetic!
    art doesn’t have to scream at all…
    Thanks for the intro, shall check the link now!


  13. I just browsed through her portfolio on her site and was just so inspired. My favorite series of hers are the Imagine Then series and her Documentary shots. I would be so happy if the photos I take are even a quarter as good as hers.