LPC Is At 50 For 50

Good morning everyone. Today I am over at 50-by-50, in an interview about writing. I’d love to have you come and read.

My thoughts are about 5% of your click’s import, however. Colleen Wainwright, who works as a marketing consultant, and writes the blog, “Communicatrix,” is raising money for a non-profit called WriteGirl. Her goal is to raise $50,000 by September 13th, which is, not coincidentally, her 50th birthday.

She is doing this via a veritable hailstorm of activity. Writing 50 posts, here. Promising to shave her head when she raises the $50,000. Giving away poems, computer wallpapers, mixtapes, etc. Your part is very simple.

Go here. Donate money. Receive thanks and perhaps a perk.

Wait. I haven’t told you what WriteGirl is. Which underscores the importance of learning to write for success in so many aspects of life. Unless you can ask clearly, people are unlikely to give you what you need.

WriteGirl supports high school girls in all aspects of writing, by monthly workshops, and one-on-one mentoring in the craft and industry by professional women writers. As you can imagine, they send a lot of girls on to college. 10 years old, the organization was recently named California Non-Profit of the Year.

As a former girl, a writer of sorts, and one who loves nothing more than mentoring the young, I support the cause and the organization. You might, if it aligns with your own concerns, do the same. Thank you in advance for your consideration. I, again, am here.

Colleen, thank you very much.

14 Responses

  1. Oh, Lisa! Thank YOU for this wonderful post and your equally wonderful—nay, even more so—interview for the 50-for-50 Project. It’s so important for us to see each other’s working machinery: the background, the influences, the meaning behind the writing.

    If possible, I’m now even more a fan of your writing than before. Although truly, I’m not sure if it’s possible. I was already such a great fan, you see.

  2. Dear Lisa, this nonprofit is amazing, thanks for pointing it out.
    I read your interview and couldn’t help but smiling at this ” Don’t worry, boys will like you, but worry because boys will like you.” I am just newly married, and already thinking about how I will explain Boys to my future daughter is already hard. I think I will end up sounding a lot like my mother, though at the time I thought here advice was a tiny bit old fashioned haha.
    Anyway, I just started a new book, and I thought, I don’t know why, that maybe you would enjoy it. In an indirect way it’s about the beauty in small things and I am just in the first chapters. Perhaps you know it “The elegance of the hedgehog”, by Muriel Barbary, originally written in french.
    Hope you are well.

    1. Amanda, WriteGirl is absolutely amazing. Their college placement rate for their alumna is 100%—as in *all* of them, with many the first in their families to attend.

      Eventually, Keren hopes to share the model she used to build WriteGirl so that women in other communities can follow suit. But in order for that to happen, we need to keep the lights on in L.A.!

      And The Elegance of the Hedgehog is a marvelous gem of a book. Just loved it.

  3. I hope that part of WriteGirl’s m.o. is to send the students to this blog. So many of your posts are beautifully-written discussions of important issues. I personally have both referred other people and benefited myself.
    –Road to Parnassus

    1. One of the chief reasons I decided to invite my fave writers like Lisa to do interviews is to introduce a new generation of readers (and writers!) to their work.

      And it’s certainly better to send girls to this and some of the other blogs mentioned in the interviews than to mine—on a good day, I’d get an “R” rating, I’m afraid!

  4. “Unless you can ask clearly, people are unlikely to give you what you need.”

    Amen, Lisa. So true.

    And now I’m going over to see what WriteGirl is all about. *click, click*

  5. Lisa, isn’t this the most splendid idea. I constantly look for ways I can mentor in Houston, and we have NO ONE who has done anything like this. Awesome X10! I’m going over now.

  6. Susan – Thank you SO much! That’s wonderful.

    Amanda – I’ve read the Elegance of the Hedgehog. I had very conflicting feelings about it. It certainly hit some of my buttons, so you were right to think of me. And as for your daughter, ah, well, when you figure out what to say, please let me know?

    Road to Parnassus – Thank you so much. I first read your comment when I was back East and I felt so thankful. Still do. Thank you.

    Ally – It can take a while to figure it all out, yes? :)

    Marsha – Thank you!

    Mint Juleps – Ah, I’m glad you liked it.

    Jessica – xox. Thanks.