In Which It Is My Birthday

Hello everyone!

It’s my birthday today. Despite my advancing years, I still embrace my birthday. I read once that most people feel younger than they are. That’s certainly true for me.

In the spirit of the day, I’m going to list a few nifty things that other people have said, or photographed, around the web. In other words, let’s pretend we have party bags, which we will have decorated ourselves with puffy paint, glitter, and far too many stickers. You can even choose your own color. I’m thinking navy.

Privilege[d] Party Bags For September 30th, 2011

1. The photo above is by Stephanie, at La Dolce Vita. She takes lovely photos, with more light and sky here. There’s nothing like a feeling of uplift in one’s heart.

2. For a series on beauty, and women in their later years, go to A Femme d’un Certain Age, and see the all the photos Tish has lined up, here. Turns out aging and feminism make good discussion bedfellows.

3. If you have wondered what’s been walking down the Spring/Summer 2012 runways, take a look here. Once I realized I would always opt for simple, I realized I could just read the simple+pretty reviews and not bother much with the usual rush of images.

4. Here’s someone who loves the same clothes I do. Even better, she knows when they go on sale. Take a look here, at Grechen’s Closet.

5. If you’d like to see the shoe line I’m lurking after, take a look here. Comfortable, because at my age I’ve figured out that sore feet are the devil’s work, beautiful just because.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

83 Responses

  1. Happy Happy Birthday to you Lisa. I enjoy your writing -thank you. I bought a pair of BeautiFeel shoes late last winter & have to agree they are grand -& for a long day too! Expensive, but worth it.

  2. Wishing you the loveliest day and year.

    And my camera is always full of random pictures of the sky. Sometimes the colors are so beautiful and unexpected, I can’t believe I get to live with it above me, always.

  3. Dear Lisa,
    Many happy returns on your birthday.
    Thank you for writing your blog.There are many times you have contributed to enriching my days and I hope this is a memorable day for you. I’m travelling to celebrate a dear friend’s birthday tomorrow and I’m happy to be able to share the occasion with her and other friends. I’m glad that you celebrate your birthday and that you give other people that opportunity to celebrate you.

  4. “What though youth gave love and roses, Age still leaves us friends and wine” — Thomas More

    Wishing you another fabulous year!

  5. I think this is my favorite post ever. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love the La Dolce Vita photo and I’m enjoying clicking each of the links you supplied! Have a happiest of days, dear. Remember something my dear Mummy told me years ago: “If you’re going to wish, wish BIG! It just may come true!” Happy happy day to you Lisa.


  6. Happy Birthday! (This is my former husband’s birthday as well.) Enjoy your day to the utmost.

  7. Happy Happy Birthday! Mine is Monday, and I’M OLD! I love life, but don’t like the birthday thing! Don’t like the attention especially! No cake, no gifts, just want to thank God (myself) for life! Hope you have whatever your heart’s desire is, and however you like to celebrate (or not celebrate).

  8. Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one.

    I have some Beautifeel shoes, and they are indeed comfy. Jury’s out on beautiful with respect to my particular pair. :)

  9. Happy Birthday Lisa!!! May it be filled with loved ones, sweets, boxes and boxes of coveted shoes…and whatever else your beautiful and fashionable heart fancies!
    Best wishes for another glorious year!
    xo J~

  10. First & foremost, happy, happy birthday! I hope you’re having a truly wonderful one.

    Second, I’d like my party bag to be bubblegum pink, please.

  11. You know, you are supposed to celebrate your birthday for the number of days you are in years. Hence, I will celebrate my next birthday for 48 days. Forty eight days of cake and ice cream. I recommend this approach for you, Lisa. Happy birthday!

  12. Happy Birthday, Ms. LPC, and may the coming year have the most wonderful surprises for you ever! Joyeux anniversaire!

  13. Happy birthday Lisa and I hope you’ve had a great one.

    I’m so glad you mentioned “A Femme d’un Certain Age”. It’s one of the best blogs around and has so much to offer for women of all ages with how to be chic no matter what your age. I’ve been a follower since the beginning and you can rely on Tish for the best advice on the web.

  14. Happy Birthday to a very talented and special Lady.
    Yes, as Toad nicely remarked, the boys do read and listen to you.


    Let’s have lunch and drink soon to celebrate. Lunch and drinking is so decadent.

  16. Happy Birthday +1 day.

    Wish I lived closer and could make you a big beautiful birthday bouquet.


    xo Jane

  17. All the best LPC, and wishing you a birthday week full of your favorite people and things, serendipitous happenings and lots of sunshine and blooms.

  18. Dear Lisa

    I hope you had a wonderful, wonderful birthday. Your posts remind me of the most important things in life – family, friends, beauty, kindness, and leading a joyous life. Many thanks for being who you are.

  19. hApPY, HaPpY, bIRtHdAy to the very special YOU that you are, happily brightening the electro-blog-waves at the speed of light and delighting the lives of the loved ones who surround you! :)