And, in conclusion over at Corporette, a ~$20 cotton cable knit sweater at Old Navy. Apparently a staple in that store, with all sorts of colors available over time.
It’s been fun.
8 Responses
As always LPC, your picks always have an air of a luxury and I like that there are still affordable items. Wonderful weekend to you. Today is the first day that one actually needs a sweater.
Have one in white from a few seasons back I have worn to death. It’s great to have in Miami over your shoulders in chilly summer air conditioning. Looks great over a Lilly.
Gosh, all adult items are 20% off.
Old Navy isn’t necessarily the greatest place in the world but they do some things just fine and if it falls apart you have a good excuse to go by something new.
WOW – a little rank and odor over at the peanut gallery, lol. That sweater is one of my favs, no matter the buck or two difference, the versatility can’t be beat!
Who doesn’t adore a happy jumper?;-)
Lisa, I bet you are glad that this week came to an end ; ? !
Oh Lisa, we’re gonna miss your posts on Corporette! Please visit often!
A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this infmortiaon.
8 Responses
As always LPC, your picks always have an air of a luxury and I like that there are still affordable items. Wonderful weekend to you. Today is the first day that one actually needs a sweater.
Have one in white from a few seasons back I have worn to death. It’s great to have in Miami over your shoulders in chilly summer air conditioning. Looks great over a Lilly.
Gosh, all adult items are 20% off.
Old Navy isn’t necessarily the greatest place in the world but they do some things just fine and if it falls apart you have a good excuse to go by something new.
WOW – a little rank and odor over at the peanut gallery, lol. That sweater is one of my favs, no matter the buck or two difference, the versatility can’t be beat!
Who doesn’t adore a happy jumper?;-)
Lisa, I bet you are glad that this week came to an end ; ? !
Oh Lisa, we’re gonna miss your posts on Corporette! Please visit often!
A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this infmortiaon.