Happy 4th Of July!

I love the 4th of July. My patriotism unfurls, no politics in sight. So let’s hear it for the red.

The white.

and the blue.

If you like fireworks, I hope you find great blooms of them close to hand.

10 Responses

    1. Naracamie:). And they are Italian, so must be findable over there in the Highlands. Or London, at least.

  1. HA! You and were thinking along the same lines today!! Fireworks at the beach are indeed in the plan if the weather holds. Fingers crossed! Wishing you a very happy fourth Lisa!!

  2. Speaking of 4th of July ‘blooms’…I *almost* bought blue carnations yesteday, to go with the red & white ones of course…there’s still time!
    Have a wonderful day!!!! xo J~