LPC Is At Already Pretty Today

The admirable Sally McGraw, of Already Pretty, asked me to contribute to her series on dressing within a defined aesthetic.

So I did.

If you’ve got the time and inclination, please come read the short interview here. The other women in this particular post dress in Old Style Glamor and Rocker modes, respectively. The juxtaposition is pretty dang fun. Hats off to Sally for her inventiveness.

11 Responses

  1. Lisa,
    I loved your interview. Just happened upon the Already Pretty we site as I was scrolling through my blog bookmarks.
    I appreciate the power of chic understatement, which you have nailed. I love simple clothes with really good accessories. I love real gold jewelry and pearls. I really love “uniforms,” whether for dressing up or down.
    I look forward to following you in the future! And maybe I’ll get the courage to start my own blog. As I live in Arabia, I might just have a different twist!
    Margaret Goodhouse

  2. It is a real pleasure to see someone dressed elegantly. I love your classic style with just a soupçon of je ne sais qoi!

  3. This is what struck me–
    “But I need to feel refined and sophisticated, and as though I might go unnoticed. Especially as my personal communication style can be quite direct and forceful.”

    You look like a grownup woman and the other two look like kids playing at something. Sally’s own style is in need of being updated–maybe she’ll take a look at your site more often.

  4. Thank you, Lisa, for your thoughts. As usual since discovering your blog they have helped me to clarify and explore more deeply some of my own.

    After trying to dress cool, glamorous, quirky, pretty, through my teens and early twenties, I notice on turning almost-thirty that I seem to have settled into a classic, quite plain, way of dressing. I worry, frequently, that it’s boring, set off in search of a whimsically patterned dress or Fair Isle sweater, and come home with another navy cardigan.

    I find it easier, and smarter, and I like the idea that my clothes don’t say an awful lot about me before I do (I too have a “personal communication style” which “can be quite direct and forceful!”). And, more, I like feeling that I could go anywhere in my clothes – step coolly into The Wolseley for impromptu afternoon tea, or slip anonymously through a crowded London street. As you said so perfectly, “I need to feel refined and sophisticated, and as though I might go unnoticed.”

    But also thanks for the (unspoken) reminder to jazz it up a bit. I love the hot pink scarf with the Barbour jacket and brown shoes and trousers. Inspiring!

  5. Or do the weekly shop, take the train to work, post a letter, meet acquaintances in the street. Because of course tea at The Wolseley is a rare treat.

    (One of lovely things about your blog; reading it persuades me I should make such things happen more often).

  6. Thank you, thank you for this insightful interview! Me too, I am way younger that your usual crowd commenting, but I’ve been a longtime and faithful reader for several years (btw, love how your blog – and your style – have evolved).

    I will now go and print out your answers as well as your style formula over at Tishs’. My thirties are closing in on me, and as a now seasoned mom of a young toddler (ahem…), I feel I’ve outgrown much of my wardrobe in terms of style. Also, I’ve found that dabbling in all kinds of stuff tends to distract people from what I’m actually good at. Thank you again for encouraging me to let my communication style speak for me (it’s quite loud enough on it’s own).

    1. Thank you in return for reading all these years:). I hope your style evolution is a whole lot of fun. Mine has been.