If One Were To Dress Up And Go Out For Valentine’s Day

If one were going out on Valentine’s Day, one might choose a knit red Donna Karan dress. One that nipped in ever so well under the bust, worn with a white cotton cardigan, gold charm bracelet, and lipstick that clashes just enough to indicate one has a mind of one’s own.

One might then drink champagne, eat chocolate and shrimp cocktail, surrounded by red roses. If you suspect the shrimp cocktail detail is generational, you’re right.
Doesn't need to actually happen.

And if one were going to stay in tomorrow, well then, one would probably be well prepared with some exceptionally flattering red flannel PJs. Either way, even High WASPs send kisses and hugs on holidays.

xoxoxo to you all.

20 Responses

  1. Divine Dress! I can never find the Donna Karan everyone else has…a mystery. But this is elegant.

    Happy Valentines Day from Arabia!

  2. Such a pretty outfit and I like the stay-at-home option as well.
    We’re going out but I’m wearing a black dress, and boots for trudging through the snow.
    Have fun!

  3. My everyday gold clip on 18 carat gold would be a starting point for my stay at home night+ flannel nightgown.

    Have fun whatever you do Ida.

  4. I think I may change from my normal red and white flannel pjs to my red satin pjs in honor of the day. While you couldn’t pay me to go to a restaurant on Valentine’s Day, I do love your outfit to go with my imaginary shrimp cocktail. xoxo

  5. If shrimp cocktail is a generational thing, it’s certainly due for a come-back!

    Happy Valentine’s Day. No matter what the plans, I hope you have a lovely time.

  6. Lovely dress and I like the slightly clashing lipstick idea very much too… We never tend to go on on Valentines day (well certainly not this year with me here and him in Australia!) but as a rule we stay in and make our own entertainment. Enjoy yours – pyjamas sound great too! S x

  7. I love a shrimp cocktail, or as it is more correctly known in Australia, a Prawn Cocktail. Very retro 70’s. I can still remember my mother serving them up for a dinner party. A few years later she moved on to the tres exotic half avocado with prawns artfully arranged in the centre bit where the stone had been. Love the red dress, very elegant.

  8. (Um, I love Shrimp Cocktail. Particularly with champagne).

    Happy Valentine’s day to you, Lisa! I hope you and Significant Other have a lovely day wherever you celebrate. xoxox

  9. Love the outfit, so flirty! What is it with the flannel, are you hosting a Girl Scout troop? On V-day I’m staying in, in a Sabbia Rosa bias-cut rose-print satin chemise trimmed in red lace. If I’m cold I can always put on a fur coat.

  10. As I’m sick with bronchitis, I wore red and ivory flannel PJs, but have had that dressed “pinned” since I saw it on NAP. The problem is that LA is just so casual, that I would have nowhere to wear it. It’s so nice that SF has stayed a bit dressier, and that you don’t look like some crazy tourist if you’re in a dress in a restaurant.