It’s Monday. You knew that. If you’re back at the office, you’re going to want a few things to browse whenever you pause on your way to the full work velocity. If you’re home with kids, but they are down for a nap or out at school, you might like to quickly reacquaint yourself with the world.
So. A list of entertaining lists.
- 8 Fashion Bloggers Over 40 You Should Know. Grechen, of fabulous taste and Grechen’s Closet, put it together for IFB. And to my great joy, included me. A few others I knew already, like Une Femme d’un Certain Age, and several I did not. Thank you Grechen, very much.
- Friday Links via Girls of a Certain Age. Blogger Kim France, a former fashion editor, writes list links for the weekend. My favorite is the 11 awesome musical performances on David Letterman. Did you all know Michael Stipes of R.E.M. was so handsome when he was young?
- Lillian and Leonard {2012} the weddings. Cara and her husband Nye take the most wonderful wedding photos. This is a list, or at least a collection, of their favorite shots from 2012.
- The 25 Funniest Autocorrects of DamnYouAutoCorrect’s First Year. Laugh until you cry actual tears. As long as you don’t mind very obscene language that is.
- Finally, if you’ve got only enough energy for a few simple images, here are 7 Flickr Faves via simple+pretty. Jane does a similar list every month. I really liked February.
If you would like to leave a link to a similar list here, please feel free. After all, Tuesday is around the corner.
14 Responses
These all look wonderful Miss Privilege, thank you for the list of lists! We can all use a little distraction now and then, I’m off to visit several. :)
I think I hurt myself laughing at the autocorrects!
Thanks for that – a treat to see a post from you on a Monday.
My little listy is three of my favourite blogs. I’m doing a few at a time and I’m sure you’ll be on one of the next posts!
It’s at: http://birdybegins.wordpress.com/2013/04/14/three-blogs-youd-love-and-why/
You are nice. Of course, this means I won’t have another post until probably Thursday:). I liked your list.
Laughed ’til I cried. . . Thank you!
Fabulous list – even for us older gals!
Regards, Helen
Thank you – who says we are all prim?:)
My roommate just said she’s never heard me laugh so hard.
Well nothing has been this funny in a long time.
Thanks I needed that:-)
xo Jane
Okay, so it is after 2 am, and here I am plagued with middle aged insomnia at my laptop reading up on my favorite blogs. I literally cried tears of laughter reading the Autocorrect list. Hilarious! Thank you for helping me release a lot of happy endorphins (or is that endorfins, or is it earwigs (autocorrected…) RD
Auto-correct. Thought I would never stop laughing. Soooo needed after Boston. Thank you!
Damn you autocorrect is a household staple here. A great mood-lifter when you are having a bad day.
I sometimes do lists on my own blog, like the one at http://bit.ly/11RJXSA as well as on some other sites I write for… maybe a future repost?