Those Oxfords You’ve Been Ogling On The Street

I love a good oxford. Some of you feel otherwise, that’s OK. There’s room on the style sidewalk for us all.

For a year now I’ve watched women slide on by in delicate lace ups. I’ve yearned. I’ve found nada. Until now. An Aha! moment in a Steven Alan store revealed that the oxford of choice is made by Anniel. An Italian dance shoe company. Essentially Repettos for brogue aficianados. Go look at the site, some of their shoes are covered in stars.



I’d been stumped by what to wear with skirts when it gets hot, given that said skirts are worn on a walking commute.  My Anniels are a taupe-ish leather. Above is the color “natural.” Yoox has these in suede, on sale for $85. So comfortable. Size down, or be prepared to wear with a foam insert for extra padding. Who on the afore-mentioned style sidewalk would object to extra padding?

This has been a week of shopping resources, has it not?

12 Responses

  1. A great week for shopping resources!! I’ve never before heard of Yoox. Loved your pick & browsing a new shopping site. Thanks!

  2. Wow! Those are WAY cheaper than the Repetto oxfords! I’ll be curious to see how comfortable you find them for walking. If they’re anything like Repettos, I like a bit more substance between my sole and the sidewalk. . .

  3. Love oxfords, always have. Yours are beautiful and feminine, but not sure about that sole for a walking commute. Maybe non-skid rubber protectors on the bottom?

  4. I’m not a big oxford fan as they don’t fit my aesthetic. I’m a bit of a girly girl. But, I CAN appreciate that there is room for everyone’s choices.

    1. Oxfords seem so popular right now but I have the same problem. I come down decidedly on the feminine side of the dressing spectrum and they don’t fit easily into my aesthetic. They’d be an interesting way to add some visual contrast though.

  5. Those are lovely and I can imagine them with skirts. How do they compare to the Repettos or have you tried those. I loved them when younger and the fact that I walked for miles wearing inappropriate footware in my youth may be why my feet need far more coddling now.

  6. Very cool shop. Lots of inviting clotes. I don’t kow if oxfords are for me but they have lots of style to choose from. Thanks for the heads up.

  7. They’re a pretty shoe and quite reasonable. I wear lace-up shoes routinely because I have a wide forefoot and a narrow heel. Is the insole removable? I have to wear a custom orthotic for arch support.

  8. Wendy, the insole I don’t think comes out, but I sized up and put in an extra insole for padding.