Virtual Magpie-ing, Or, Saturday Morning at 8:29am

Today I’m over at Pinterest, imagining. Contrary to popular opinion, I find Pinterest obviates buying. A little time spent pinning photos can be as endorphin-producing as a purchase – or more, as one avoids closet clutter, wallet-thinning, buyer’s remorse.

Sometimes even I have very little to say on a Saturday morning. Just let the swell of the day carry us where it may.

17 Responses

  1. I do the same thing! I love “pinning” and it is so much easier that ripping pages from magazines. I love your blog.
    Michigan in the Summer and Boca Grande, FL in the winter

  2. I love Pinterest and find it especially nice in the middle of the night when I absolutely cannot sleep. One night I was up at 3am pinning because I could not sleep. Only one other person that I follow (out of over 1,000 that I follow) was pinning. Who was it? My sister…

  3. I must say, today is just a gorgeous day. Perfect for pinning, blogging and how ab
    out something really unique. Cleaning my desk. After all of that I’ll learn how to spell Ann Deannmnsidnsnasesnd. Name.

  4. ” Pinterest – thing ” is not at all to my liking. I much rather rip the scratch from some magazine, but usually remember the interesting stuff.

    You have ” pinned ” lots of wedding wear. Maybe there is soon a wedding; )!
    As I viewed the things you have picked out, including the interior decoration,
    I quickly realized, that our taste in everything differs quite much.

  5. I think I understand, although Pinterest never quite appealed to me. But I don’t spend much time on the internet anymore. Taking photos does it for me, and knitting. I carry my camera everywhere and love sifting through and working on the pictures at home, often only realising afterwards what I’ve seen and captured. Fun, actually.

    Knitting on the other hand reminds me that making things takes time which is good since a lot of what I do is so ad hoc and this-very-minute.

    I woke up on Sunday at 7.40 to beautiful sunshine. Much too early after a strenuous 6-day week. So after morning coffee I’ll have another nap and then it’s off to gardening. Looking forward to mostly keeping my mouth shut which is a real contrast to my working week …

  6. Off topic! Is it okay to wear a simple black dress with gold sandals to a college graduation ceremony — afternoon — in the mid Atlantic region with southern emphasis — . Or should I be thinking pastel or college colors or???

    What did you wear to your children’s graduations?

    1. I think I’d skip the college colors.

      My son graduated from a Mid-Atlantic college close to the shore and it was more a southern-sailing-preppy crowd than a black dress crowd.

      I’d think about what you’re doing after the ceremony. If you’re going to your child’s favorite place in the area you can probably dial-down because they not everyone will be coming from the ceremony. If it’s a formal event then dial-up.

  7. I enjoy looking at your Pinterest boards.

    I don’t think I’ll ever give up on the clipping folder. It’s fun to keep a notebook of things I’ve seen and liked, but since now I also see and like thing on-line it’s good to have a place there too.

  8. RoseAg: Not a sailing area. The local restaurants will be jam-packed with grad families so we will likely drive 20 miles or so to avoid the long wait.

    Can dial down the black dress, of course. Or…??

    1. I wore a black skirt and rainboots to my son’s graduation, and navy tee and wide-legged pants to my daughter’s. So of course I approve of your outfit.

      I think the further south you go the more you have to either take dark neutrals nautical, or hie thee to some pastels. You don’t have to get more formal, people clean up but don’t necessarily gussy up, in my experience.