A Short And Very Personal History At Princeton

It’s graduation time around the United States. If you have a new graduate in your family, or will become one yourself soon, congratulations!

As backdrop for the festivities, here’s a small set of posts I’ve written over the past few years about my alma mater.

1. As a young freshman in 1974.

Where Did You Go To School?

2. Attending my 25th Reunion (on Reggie Darling’s blog.)

Guest Post (Thoughts on the changes to Princeton over the past few decades, and the P-rade)

3. My daughter’s graduation.

The Story Of My Daughter’s Graduation

4. My son’s graduation.

The Graduation Speech I Will Never Give

The Princeton Classes of ’78, ’09, and ’12 Salute You!

In closing, let me say only that I’m NEVER wearing that jacket again without tarting it up a tad.

Have a wonderful weekend. We’re all always graduating from something.

6 Responses

  1. Oh my, Lisa, you nail every one of these. I am especially struck by the freshman post. The whole of my undergrad experience seems a series of just these kind of odd and awkward moments, trying so hard to decipher what I was witnessing and confronting a vast world of people and customs for which I had little context. Just the thought of the earnestness involved in trying so hard exhausts me now.

    I delighted in your rendering of the other posts, having recently attended my son’s college graduation. I am coming to new ideas about reunions now that I am a veteran of quite a few. My favorites are the ones with my grade school chums with whom I attended school from K-8. No posturing, just pure authentic fun. We all know exactly who we were, are open to who we have become, and relish the unique vantage we bring to each other’s lives in those moments where we get to recount and renew.

  2. I fondly remember each wonderful post. Headed to my youmgest’s graduation in two weeks. I can’t believe his four years went so quickly. Another phase gone and another to begin. Oh my. xoxo

  3. Hello Lisa, You have a great Princeton tradition going. Oddly, two of the posts you list were from last year, yet I had never seen them (nice picture of the three alums!). Unfortunately, blog subscriptions are not fool-proof.
    –Road to Parnassus

  4. I think that jacket is tarted up magnificently (and amply) with your smile!