As requested, here is my Proposal Ring.
And the concrete details. It was designed by Paloma Picasso, made of hammered white gold with one small diamond, and sold by Tiffany & Co. I didn’t mean to have a designer ring, we just ran into it. By the way, Wikipedia tells me we can refer to the venerable retailer as either Tiffany or Tiffany’s. I appreciate flexible colloquial language, don’t you?
As to the ephemeral details, ah, well, I have to tell you something. I find that with these wedding stuff I’ve bumped right into an inner cairn of privacy, stone markers on a field road. You all asked about my ring before I’d set up formal signposts, really before I knew the direction at all.
So I answer now, as you’re my friends, and who am I to close gates without an explanation? Going forward, I just want you to know, if details never show up, if some bits of this wedding, or other weddings I may have had, never show up here at all, I’m as surprised by my need for privacy as you might be.
With that, the Proposal Ring, in situ.
At many points in previous years I might have thought that I wanted, almost needed a great big diamond. Time came, not so. Significant Other was willing to go big but I had not a flicker of interest. And yet, I did very much want an actual proposal. He and I picked out rings together.
I said “Yes,” with endearments.
Once married, I’ll take this ring and wear it on the right hand occasionally, stacked with the band my mother and stepfather gave me years back, and maybe something from my dad’s family. I’ll wear my wedding band, all the time, on the left. All the time has so many meanings now.
63 Responses
Very pretty!
It’s lovely. Congratulations
It’s lovely. I respect and understand your desire for privacy. May you always have it when you need it.
And I love “all the time”. So beautiful, meaningful… makes me feel kind of emotional!
Thank you. And all the time made tears come to my eyes.
“‘it is finished’ can never be said of us.”
I teared up too.
Wow, that is so beautiful, and brought back great memories of when I worked for Halston cosmetics, she did his packaging, it was such a gorgeous line, xoxox
That’s pretty. I like the hammered band. It’s got the scent of those raw diamond rings.
I love your ring. It fits you. And, I understand your desire for some privacy. I do hope you will share which dress you select for this important occasion.
Yes, although perhaps after the fact:).
Oh, I don’t know how I missed this, but am quite happy for you! Here’s to happiness, in whatever form that takes, and to the degree you wish to disclose it!
Best wishes!!
it suits you. it’s beautiful.
Hammered metals are the best kind of metals!
The ring is beautiful. I love hammered metal. Good for you setting privacy boundaries.
And now it is we readers who are Privileged.
Your ring is perfect.
I like to analyze fine design, and I love this ring on you. While the hammered texture mimics the diamond’s facets, the matte metal allows the stone to really sparkle.
Well done, Lisa and S.O.! I am very happy for you.
I am so happy to have support in the analysis:). Thanks!
Privacy… good, sane, smart. Ring? Stunning.
Still covert tape dress ;)
… get back here, you “R” !!!
Congratulations! Beautiful ring for an even more beautiful life event!!
Your ring is beautiful and elegant Lisa… and that says a great deal… :)
Its funny how we tend to think of bloggers as our friends. Even among friends, one doesn’t always disclose all. Here in cyber land its even more crucial to keep some things private. Enjoy this special time and thank you for some peeks into it.
Hammered white gold looks great ( I have had one with a Tahiti pearl ).
The ring might need the hammering redone later on – to stay matte.
A diamond looks just as good : ).
Congratulations! Your ring is beautiful.
“…an inner cairn of privacy, stone markers on a field road.” The stone you have shared with your readers, and any space between future stone-markers which you willingly share, is lovely and is received with appreciation. I am so happy for you and am confident your innate navigational skills will direct you well.
Your ring is very beautiful and elegant – thank you for sharing it with us. I apologize if I intruded by asking to see it.
No, no intrusion. I would ask any blogger I know for the same information! It’s all on my side. xoxox.
“who am I to close gates without an explanation”
Yours are the most gently-closed gates I’ve ever experienced and, although I suspect you left them unlocked, I guarantee no one reading here will test that latch. Such is the profound respect we all have for you. xo
Unlocked. Yes.
Thank you for sharing. The ring is lovely and it sounds like Significant Other is too.
It’s beautiful. Understated and timelessly beautiful, very much like you. Congratulations, and best wishes!
It’s lovely and filled with character, Lisa. And as we gather age and experience, isn’t it true that we more intensely appreciate the beauty found in smaller, wabi-sabi things? The beautifully hammered delicacy is a perfect metaphor for the dents life has made in us as we are continually forged in its unfoldings. Those ‘hammerings’ reveal great beauty, and intriguing story. :)
Such absolutely beautiful thoughts.
This is perfect. I will provide as much as I’m comfortable with, you all contribute both deconstruction and sentiment. Perfect.
So utterly, so simply…perfect! The hammered band- ahhhhhh. I’m not a big diamond ER devotée either, so hard for them to look graceful. They’re usually kind of stiff and obvious.
I have deep respect for your privacy. At the same time, shall savour every wedding morsel, should you wish to say more. Such a happy occasion and right now I especially appreciate that.
It’s beautiful! Thank you for sharing your photos with us. :)
Thank you for sharing your beautifully elegant ring. xo
Lisa the ring is lovely…the hammering really makes it elegant.
I hope that I was not too nosey by asking to see the ring ~ weddings and all the planning, the dress, the flowers the food, everything makes me giddy with sheer delight.
Thank you for sharing this with us…
Not nosy at all! I’m the same way. I LOVE WEDDINGS!
All the details.
Congratulations and thank you for sharing! I’m sure others, like me are honoured to have a small peek into this special time in your life. You are obviously approaching your wedding in mid-life, with grace and elegance, and I’d hazard a guess, a bit of an ‘edge’.
Can I add also, how impressively you handled this topic of privacy and blogging. New territory as we go, but tackled directly, honestly and with a light touch!
You’re right. A bit of edge:).
Congratulations on the proposal. I too have a “small” stone and I cherish it with all my heart. I know that it was chosen with much care and consideration… and after a lot of hardwork.
Well done on your request for privacy…and thanks for sharing what YOU do choose to share.
I like that hammered ring with its discrete stone very much indeed. And it suits you.
Thank you for allowing us to crowd around you and delight in your good news.
That’s the perfect image.
Simple,elegant, and suits your slender finger to perfection.
So pretty and delicate, I can’t bear big diamonds they look so matronly.
Sometimes it seems that life, generally, is just like that: when you stop seeking or needing things you just run into them, and then it’s just the one that suits you, as well. Your ring is perfect–sturdily exquisite, understated, and imbued with beauty and legacy in all the ways that you are.
Thank you for the great picture. Congratulations!
One of the things that surprised me, but shouldn’t have, when I got engaged was my desire to keep so much of the experience to myself. Not that I was trying to exclude people but that this was an intensely personal time and I always tend towards time by myself or just with my husband.
The details that you’re comfortable sharing we’d love to hear but the need for privacy is completely understandable.
Does this mean you won’t be posting the link to your registry?
I can always count on you;).
Something tells me the day LPC opens registries is the day she will wear a Vera Wang strapless and a baby blue garter.
I completely appreciate your feelings. It is a “privilege” to see any part you wish to share. Your ring has a fragility yet a plain-spoken strength that imbues it with a heartbreaking tenderness. The hammered silver seems to symbolize all that living that we have done at our stage in life.
OH my gosh I love this. You all are doing the deconstruction for me, and with much more lovely sentiment than I could have mustered. Thank you.
What a beautiful ring! I have never seen it before and often find myself memorizing the tiffany website, I love it! Nothing like a solitaire, and especially one with such a beautiful band!
Congratulations, I just stumbled on your blog the other night, but I already adore it!
Brooke, thank you! The ring isn’t on the site. I looked, to see if I could nab a photo vs. presenting my particular aged hands:).
It’s beautiful, and simple.Congratulations.
Your ring is lovely and it looks beautiful on your finger.
Oh my. It looks like I’ve spent too much time in the kitchen and missed the engagement party! My most heart felt congratulations, missy! The ring is lovely and you will no doubt be the loveliest of brides. I understand the privacy and the need to protect matters of the heart but selfishly, I do hope you share from time to time. Look at the pretty ring we would have missed out on . Much love to you and your ‘other’. xoxo
All of this is lovely, your ring, your sharing and, equally, the desire for privacy. Marriage is profound, and it changes us in ways we don’t always expect or understand. The sharing you do becomes even more generous, in my estimation, when you balance it against the pulls or pushes to privacy. all the best, xo
All the time- what a beautiful sentiment.
Congratulations to both you and your lucky man!
Wishing you all the happiness- all the time
Proposal ring I love that! Congratulations!