I have to thank the inimitable Wendy Brandes for including me in her blogger slideshow for this article on the Huffington Post, “Not So Fast There! The Surprisingly Ling Life Of FashionTrends.”
Wendy is a blogger and jewelery designer – many of you may know her already. I showcased the glorious Empress Wu earrings here, and am seriously considering her birthdate necklace for my birthday present this year. 1956, represent!
I’m not alone in the slideshow. You’ll see our friend Sue, from Une Femme d’un Certain Age, Silk Path Diary (who also very kindly quoted me the other day) and Judith from Style Crone. The other bloggers were new to me, but really fun to review.
I really would call and tell my mom I’m in the paper, except then I’d have to explain to her what the Huffington Post is, which would mean explaining what the Internet is, which would mean explaining how data networks function, and how computers display content, and there be monsters. So I’m telling you guys instead. Thanks, as always, for listening.
And Wendy, thank you very much indeed!
19 Responses
Thank you for the mention and so honored to be included in the same Huff Post piece by Wendy Brandes alongside a woman as elegant as you.
You flatter me! I thank you!
Congratulations! I’ve had a recipe on Huff Post before – it’s thrilling, isn’t it?
I saw your image in that article. My mother would not understand the paperless paper thing at all. She is a daily newspaper subscriber and does not own a computer or a cellphone!
Congratulations! I remember that post and LOVE that outfit!
Congrats on being in the paperless paper. I love the birthdate necklace. And I can totally relate to explaining the Huffington Post, internet, etc. etc. etc. to the older generation of moms.
Paperless-paper-appearance elicits silent squeal! Of delight. Of course. Moms? Technology? Oy.
Way cool Lisa. I hit the “like” button when it got to your pose with your shoes. You looked fabulous.
I’ve had a recipe on the Huff Post site and I was so excited. Even though I don’t always agree with all of their views, it was still very thrilling.
Aw. Thanks. And of course you and Jan, some of the few food writers I read these days, have both in been in the HuffPo. I often think that my greatest talent is recognizing it in others:).
My mum will turn 86 next month and two years ago for her 84th my sisters and I bought her a laptop. For years when I or my sisters mentioned computers or the internet, she would proudly scoff, “The only time I’m on-line is when I am hanging my washing on the clothes line!” So I was a bit skeptical when she suddenly told my sister that she wanted a computer for her birthday. My sister was very excited that we had come up with a perfect gift that year. I was less excited since it would fall to me to take Mum shopping for the thing and then teach her how to use it, when my husband and I visited in August. I quote both of my sisters here…”Well after all Susie..you ARE the teacher in the family!” Right.
A few weeks later when we left for home, Mum had wireless internet, a shiny new laptop and my step-by-step basic written (and illustrated) instructions for e-mail and surfing the net. I had labelled the keys on her computer for her (the labels are still there)and she had practiced a bit. My husband and I returned home, and I half expected her to get so frustrated that she would pack it in after a few weeks and go back to knitting.
But I’m really pleased to say that she surprised us all. We started receiving short daily updates on her life. She surfed the net for recipes and ideas for her garden. And she told my niece how proud she felt and how “with it!” The daily reports gradually grew longer than one line when she realized how to keep typing to go to the next line. We thought that was pretty funny! When one granddaughter wanted to know why Grammy sent e-mails that looked like poems, we realized that she had accidentally centered all of her text. And she still loses things and finds them in a drafts folder or in the trash….that’s because the “darn mouse has a mind of its own” apparently.But wow…we are so proud of her.
I hope that I’m as ready to learn new stuff when I am her age!
P.S. I guess we shouldn’t have been surprised when I think about it. The last perfect birthday gift we bought her was a treadmill for her 75th.
Wow. That is great. Go Sue’s mom!
This has nothing to do with what you’ve written today, but I have been following your wedding process (congrats) and thought of you and your dress search last week when in Paris. I saw a beautiful vintage Dior (I think) dress in the window of Didier Ludot, long sheath in white silk overlayed with white swiss (large) dot netting, fishtail bottom with a slight train, and a cowl neckline that dipped just a little lower in the back than the front. Classy, feminine, and very simply chic which reminded me of your style. Certainly was not my size but something I would also wear if I were to ever be married again (but I think the second time’s the charm for me).
In any case, would like to say thanks for your lovely writing and for the fashion ideas which perfectly fit my preferred manner of dressing. In fact, I just acquired a green-ish J. Crew field jacket and have saved your photo into my style file as one of the ways I will wear it. Encore une fois, félicitations!
Deb, thank you very much. I think that Dior image has been in the back of my mind all this time. That’s kind of what my wedding dress will look like, minus the cowl neck of course. And I’m honored that you own the field jacket and we’re style buddies.
If would be incredible just to get your photo into the dead tree post…but into the Huffpost, as an example of fashion forwardness, is just awesome.
Congrats to you and to Wendy.
Great! I’m off to check out the HuffPo piece.
I love those oxfords they showed you in. Very classic cool. I’ve been looking for a cool pair of oxfords myself, but have yet to take the plunge. While I generally feel able to pull most looks off, for some reason, the flat oxford is something I’m still shy about!
Joanna, Wait. I kind of love your clothes here. http://lallitara.com/intro/
Thanks! Artsy cousin style? :)