Attempting yoga class at a new studio today. We shall hope it’s not one of those No Country For Old Ladies places, all triceps and flex. Baby steps toward retirement avec exercise, baby steps. With knee over the ankle, shoulders off the ears and eyes gentle – those things I haven’t forgotten.
Before I go, below is the last time I’ll remind you about the Naturalizer project, until the day before voting closes. It’s not so much my particular amalgamation of clothing that matters, more the idea of 50-year olds as a force in the economy of fashion. Thanks for bearing with me.
Have a wonderful weekend.
23 Responses
Good luck at the Yoga class…in the studio that I used to go to the instructors reinforced that it was a personal practice and that we were to keep our eyes focused inward. Try to keep that in mind as Yoga is not meant to be a competitive effort.
I tried to vote for you but the contest is only open to US residents.
Enjoy your weekend.
Good luck on the new yoga class…sometimes you really have to shop around to find the right “fit”.
And good luck on the contest, too…I so agree with the reasons for your entering the contest.
I am 56 and my credit card bills say I’m a force in the economy of fashion. However, when I clicked through I found that the whole Naturalizer thing is facebook based. I do NOT participate in the economy of facebook. So I seem to be uncounted and uncountable by their reckoning.
Ironies abound.
Enjoy your yoga!
I think all these comments should be good info for their marketing segmentation staff:).
I love the fact that I now have time for yoga, without my weekly class I am sure I would hardly be able to move.
I also don’t want to “like” a company and have it be forever on my Facebook page as something I “endorse” or even actually like. there doesn’t seem to be a way to vote without Liking. So best of Luck — I really do think your look is the coolest and chic-est of the lot!
My limited experience w/ FB and “liking” is that once you hit that Like button, there will automatically appear a second button in the same place saying “unlike” – so you may click Like, cruise around viewing material only available to those who Like, then go right back, click Unlike, and the brief association will not be recorded in your FB timeline.
I do believe those dynamite gams of yours are a valid passport into any country. If I wasn’t such a gentleman I’d scribble something unseemly regarding 7;16am, knee over ankle morning session, and FWB.
Gentlemanly restraint duly noted.
Done. I’d vote for you anywhere.
Namaste day.
xo J.
Enjoy your class- you will know if it’s the right studio, and thank you for your example. The difference b/t a competitive studio and an inclusive one changes practice entirely.
Speaking of inclusive, the Naturalizer site will not accept Canadian votes.
I’m also not on Facebook, sorry. (But my dog is – go figure) But good luck to you.
Regarding shoes for that “retirement uniform,” this you won’t believe [take deep breath before viewing]:
How did you know? Seriously. The post is drafted, the shoes are lined up against the kitchen island.
Even tho I also hate (not too strong a word here) FB, I voted because I LOVE those boots. And your get up was my fav. You make it look so easy.
I have a facebook account and enjoy keeping up with my friends and family members there. I do make it a practice to avoid liking various businesses because I have found there is no way to go back from that. I DID vote for you because i thought it was important for several reasons First, i enjoy your blog very much. Second, I really like you and find your viewpoint and photos delightful. Third, the world will not change because I liked a business on FB. It’s all worth it!
Tried to vote somehow but only the photo which you posted showed up without any info or hyperlinks. :(
Exercise. Rough going for me. I go in fits and starts but it’s nice to know someone is getting off the computer and making it happen. Perhaps you’ll motivate me more. :)
I voted for you :) because you’re my friend and also because I think you looked the best!
I voted :). I hope the yoga class is enjoyable for you.
I do hope you win!
I vote for you because I love the way you dress, which makes the boots worth more than it is and the cause you are doing it.
Oh, hands down you’re the winner. Hope the results show as much!
Thank you everyone!