Christmas Break, Or Saturday Morning at 9:42am

Well 2013. My goodness. Left a job, got married. Other stuff. So now it’s Christmastime, which my family celebrates, and my kids are coming home. I bought a second sofa. This time we will all have a place to sit.

I will see you in January, after New Year’s. I might have to make a Christmas card for the blog, as I have done in year’s past, but then again I might just nap. Perhaps a grown child will nestle next to me.

Two things before the break.

First, I wanted to thank the blogger who writes The Class Factotum Speaks, for organizing to meet me for lunch on her visit west. Such a pleasure. I highly recommend her blog, and will tell you the insider secret that she is very gracious and literate in person.

Second, should you find yourself standing in line somewhere, needing bite-sized entertainment, here are links to some posts from Privilege[d] Christmases past.

Colored Lights, Or, Saturday Morning at 10:11am

 Some Salsa For Christmas, Or, Saturday Morning At 10:19am

Merry Christmas, Or, Saturday Morning All Through The Day

How To Survive A (Very Large) Family Christmas, Or, Saturday Morning at 10:10am

The High WASP Christmas Tree And Its Friends

Is It Worth Getting Your Hair “Done” For An Event?

My best to everyone, and may all your everythings be bright. Unless of course you like dark mole-like snuggling. There’s room for all kinds of preferences in this world.

32 Responses

  1. What an eventful year! Best wishes for the merriest of Christmases and all the very best for 2014!
    I missed so many posts this year, without internet when I was in Canada.

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Lisa. May you all revel in each other’s company while yet finding the occasional moment for a luscious nap (that’s pretty much my definitions of a good holiday!).

  3. I have that wonderful wedding shot of you up the stairs and want to illustrate that…..among some other events that need a “pve” – Thanks so much for sharing your news and how exciting to get a new “couch” – now that is cause for some snuggling and a good “doze.”

  4. We LOVE The Class Factotum Speaks! Here at our house, when we are feeling in need of a good laugh, we do dramatic readings of our favorite posts, with Mr. Artsy reading the role of SH (temperament-wise, I think they might be twins separated at birth). We often laugh so hard we are wheezing the words out, tears seeping from the corners of our eyes…

    Happiest of holidays to you and your family, LIsa! Looking forward to your first post of the new year. And hey, the official moment of Solstice has come and gone, so the days are getting longer. Yay!

  5. Nothing like having the kids at home to make the season meaningful and bright! Savour those cuddles and naps.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family and look forward to reading all about your new adventures in 2014.

  6. A warm and merry Christmas, your first of yours and Significant’s married life- special.

    What do you see when you look into a mole hole?

  7. A very merry Christmas to you and yours. Looking forward to following your adventures and reflections in 2014.

  8. And a Happy Christmas from me too. This year has put some in my family through quite the wringer. For me it’s been a mixed blessing with wonderful human encounters and support but throwbacks in other areas.

    But: Reading your blog has remained a steady pleasure in my few quieter moments. So thank you very much. I hope you enjoy your family time during the time “between the years” as we say over here.

  9. A new husband and a new couch – that’s quite a combination. Have a wonderful Christmas, and all the best for the new year.

  10. Merry Christmas Lisa and Professor C and look forward to hearing more from you both in the New Year. I’ll visit your Christmas’s Past (sans Scrooge & apparitions) tomorrow.