Update: “Forever Chic” Available At Barnes And Noble

As a quick update, Tish Jett’s book, Forever Chic, is still sold out at Amazon, but available at Barnes and Noble. That is all.

(So quick, in fact, that I misspelled Noble in the title out of the gate. Corrected now.)

11 Responses

  1. your post on Heartbreak got me reading the “adventures along the way” blog all about the heartbreak of the husband that suddenly / brutally dumped her for another woman after she had moved to Canada for him (with a long cold winter coming up.)

    Well, today he came and took his stuff. And monday he is coming back to take her beloved cat!

    What is WRONG with this guy? Whatever it is, his new woman will find out sooner or later…

  2. This is wonderful of you to make this announcement. I’ve given the book, which is beyond wonderful, to 9 of my girlfriends. One of them read it through in 3 nights of bedtime reading. I think I should have a book signing party for her when she returns to the USA. Lisa, you rock !!!

  3. Lisa,
    thank you so much for the recommendation. I bought it for my Kindle and read it in two days. I would’ve finished it in one, but I had to stop and take some notes. I am approaching 36, but my last 12 years I have spent in the Army, so my sense of style can be described as nonexsistent at best. As I gravitate towards comfortable shoes and clothes I tend to look as I am still in a military, but I long for a much more feminine and polished look. This book gave me a lot of ideas.