LPC is at A Practical Wedding Today

Today I’m over a A Practical Wedding. This morning, you’ll find photos from my wedding. This afternoon, I heard from a little bird, might bring my choices for Mother of the Bride dresses. In the under $25o category. If my intelligence is correct, I’ll post that link too, when it’s up.

And yes, Significant Husband is anonymous on purpose. Thank you for your understanding.

34 Responses

  1. Lisa – the photos are gorgeous, and you and your children look so beautiful. I played “Moon River” as I scrolled through the pictures and it almost made me cry. Everything looked perfect, and real!!

  2. Wow, that was gorgeous. Your children are beautiful, and Significant Husband is very handsome from the back. ;)

  3. Such moving photos, Lisa. Beautiful too, but what shone forth most was the love. And of course the sibling teasing!

  4. you are gorgeous. as is your family. as are these wedding pictures.

    filled with happiness for you. thanks for sharing the photos.

  5. So lovely. Really appreciate your sharing this with us, your annonymous friends. I felt as if I were one of your friends looking at your wedding album. Thank you!

  6. A ceremony in City Hall and lunch in a good Chinese restaurant would be my dream wedding. You and your family looked beautiful and happy (and your daughter looks just like you).

  7. Wow!
    A home run all the way around. Some of the best wedding pics I’ve ever seen. Your photographer is an ace but she did have gorgeous models. The pic of you sitting and holding the flowers must be framed and on prominent display. Your daughter is a great beauty who Sargent would have been chomping at the bit to paint. Your handsome son appears to have recovered from the abuse Spike Lee has leveled on Brooklyn hipsters.

    Speaking of blissful was that the esteemed FOB’s back of head I spotted? I scooped up his memoirs (again at a fire sale price!)and look forward to reading about his boyhood at 740 Park along with everything after.
    I’m going to be humming Moon River all day!

  8. Your photos just made me smile and smile–no mean feat during what has been a challenging few days. Thanks for the shared joy. The photos radiate such love and happiness and general gorgeousness.

  9. Breathtakingly beautiful, thanks for sharing with the world. Your kids are gorgeous (your daughter definitely has your features).

  10. You look so beautiful, your daughter is your absolute double. There is so much emotion captured in these photographs.
    Hubs has great head of hair. FF would approve.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing these photos. You and your children are beautiful… and I am so enamored of your dress. And your daughter’s dress!

    I doubt that another wedding is in my future, but I’m keeping yours in my head along with my other imaginary life stuff. Wishing you much happiness!

  12. 白頭偕老 永結同心 (grow old together forever) gung hei!

    Thank you for sharing your photos; they’re glorious.

  13. I’m desperately searching for readonable MOB dresses! Especially ones that are flattering, not too short, and not blingy!

  14. Well, that was a treat! How lovely of you to share photos of what must have been an unforgettable day. It’s all gorgeous…you, your children, your dress, your daughter’s dress, your shoes, your flowers, your wonderfully mysterious husband…a heartfelt thank you!

  15. Your DRESS,your children……..all beautiful!
    City HALL is not bad either!I have never been inside need to pop in there!
    I guessed your husband was Chinese from the back…….then when the reception was held at a Chinese SPOT I was so proud of my detective work!
    Congratulations…….I am NEW to your posts look forward to more.

  16. Your daughter – a Roman goddess. That dress. Oh my. And she’s going to be a Dr? She won the entire genetic lottery. Your son is gorgeous too, but he’s not wearing an amazing dress. You have amazing legs. Pity you want to hide them under ‘boyfriend’ jeans ;)

  17. It is evident that everyone is thrilled for your wedding, love each orher and are all so stunningly gorgeous! Your photographer captured it all beautifully, each photo says “Best. Day. Ever.”!!!

  18. Spectacular photos, and the wedding looks like it was perfection. You can’t fake the kind of joy on all those faces. So happy for all of you.

  19. Lovely, lovely, lovely! Congratulations again! Thank you for so generously sharing your photos.

  20. i *love* the idea of a practical wedding as an antidote to The Industrial Wedding Complex. :D and congrats again on your happy happy day!

  21. Oh my heavens. What loveliness! It takes something very real to move me, and these photos do. You look so full of joy and peace, all at once. Your children are beautiful…they look alike, she being very beautiful, he being very handsome. But most of all they look so happy for their mother, and brimming with love for you. I love the photo of you casually sitting in your very exquisite wedding dress with your glasses propped up on your head. Perfect. You beauty and happiness shines through in every picture. And Moon River is one of my all time favorite songs…it reminds me of happy times with my parents whose marriage eventually fell apart. That part was bittersweet. Thank you for sharing such striking and intimate moments.

  22. Lisa, I’m not going to lie, I actually unsubscribed to your emails during all the wedding planning. Not that I wasn’t happy for you, I truly was, but I just wasn’t interested in all the little details, and I knew where to find you if I wanted to catch up. But I recently resubscribed and have to say these are the most BEAUTIFUL wedding photos I have ever seen. Everything about them. And your children are other-worldly in their translucent beauty. Belated mazel tov and may I share my favorite “wedding song” in honor of your recent nuptials, “City Hall” by Vienna Teng: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rikj0WMGbDU&feature=kp

    My niece is getting married in SF this fall, and I’m going to share your photos with her. Not sure if your photographer is in her budget, but maybe your “selective frugality” will leave an impression her!

    Best wishes, LR

  23. To everyone, your comments here mean so much. I spent Monday floating around all over again. Much affection to you all. A very big thank you.

  24. I agree with everyone that these photos show the love in your family and their joy for you. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos.