An Object Of Desire: Velvet Blazers

So, if you’re going to wend your way through the world in jeans, tees, and sneakers, you just might dread the Full On Schlump. What to do? You’ve got several tools, but a jacket is one of the best.  Humor me here. If moto jackets can called “cutting edge,” we might think of the blazer as a screwdriver. Valuable, but requiring the perfect size to function well.

Which makes velvet blazers a Phillips, you never have one when you need it. Pause for cymbals. With that, we will cease to torture metaphors and move on to actual fashion. How do you guys feel about a velvet blazer? I’m in covet mode. A great way to play 60s/70s/80s vibe without huge bold prints or outrageous silhouettes. As perfect for nippy East Coast and Midwestern spring days, as for California’s cool summer nights.

Besides, even net-à-porter says this is the season of the trophy jacket.

I love this red one from Zadig & Voltaire, via Farfetch. Those covered buttons. With GAP boyfriend jeans and a pale blue tee? Chandelier earrings? Yes? Would also totally work over a little dress.


Or this from Alexander McQueen. In bottle green/where you have you been?/fit to be seen. Brings on the poesy, yes? An ode to Edwardian sleeve puffs.


Good news is, velvet blazers come in budget versions, in plus sizes, in many colors. Anyone can swashbuckle. Click the arrows and cue the whistling, because really, anyone can.


39 Responses

  1. The top Z & V is best-in-show here beating by a whisker the Alexander McQueen just below it…as any ode to Edwardian sleeve puffs is music to my ears.
    Well done Lisa, I like the screwdriver metaphor,

    1. @GSL, Silly me didn’t do a price check; that ode to Edwardian sleeve puffs just went a little off key at 1200 bones! and that’s at 40% off.

  2. Love the red Zadig & Voltaire particularly. The Rag and Bone wine colored one is also beautiful. Both virtually sold out. I don’t think I’d wear velvet in the Spring or Summer though?

  3. The dark green McQueen gets my vote. Stunning silhouette! Very sharp and would be a nice contrast with slouchy boyfriend jeans. Plus the green is gorgeous!

  4. I totally agree about velvet blazers. Both of mine came from Talbots: a deep mulberry that is traditional cut and a black velvet jean jacket-style. The latter is particularly flexible especially for travel.

  5. Funny, you mention this. I recently shopped my closet and found two very appealing velvet blazers. I’ve worn them and compliments abound, I guess velvet is what’s happening?! Judy

  6. I am sceptical. But then I was wrong about quilted sweatshirts and pointy flats.

    Hm, now I come to think of it I see a velvet jacket in my future topping boyfriend jeans, with my denim shirt and capri pants, over that new dress I’ve just bought. I’d like a boxy collarless one please. Preferably in wine … Oh dear another quest begins!

  7. I envy your geography, I had one once, paid a fortune for it – it rained and I ended up with a very spotty velvet blazer, never again.

  8. Love the metaphors. We’re on a similar wavelength again, as you’ll see tomorrow. Holy moly, sure love that Z&V version. I’m all about the collarless these days.

  9. I think of velvet blazers as evening cardigans. I have 3, in brown, black, and green, in various levels of structure/slouch. Like gold shoes, they go with everything.

  10. I’ve got a very fine deep red corduroy blazer that stands in for velvet when I need it. But I do love that red one anyway.

    1. @Cynthia, I get very frustrated with Chrome, as I can’t see the Privilege Go Round Either, so I have to go to Firefox to view. Is there a setting in Chrome I should enable?

    2. @Cynthia, I don’t know what the setting would be. Next time I put up a Priviege-Go-Round I will ping their help desk and see if they have suggestions. Very weird for it not to work with Chrome, since that’s the platform of choice for most of the developers I know.

  11. I love velvet blazers, particularly a chartreuse one that I have in my closet. I wear them practically year round in SF. Puffed sleeves remind me too much of the terror and horror of elementary school piano recitals.

  12. Velvet – even the sound is sumptuous. Love your suggestions. And did I mention that I laugh every time I see the PGR? Thanks for brightening my day.

  13. J Crew for me, but by the time I will have ordered it, it will be 1004degrees here.

    Though today is 20.

    Of course after falls comes the fall…

    xo J

  14. Entirely on target for this long winter! I’ve a closet of coats, capes and blazers but this year I’ve coped with weekend shopping runs in a sturdy Liz Claiborne black velvet one-button blazer I picked up for $6 at Goodwill.

  15. This reminds me of something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a time: a friend had a cashmere suit jacket re-cut to a nipped-waist blazer- shorter and sharper. (A tailor who specializes in bespoke suits did the alteration.) I was reminded of your white cashmere suit. If you still have it, there is an idea that wluld look fantastic with your jeans.

    I dislike puffed sleeves on anyone over eight. In fact, any clothing that looks cute on a kid, I don’t like on grown women.

  16. Oh my goodness I need that McQueen. What style. If it were not so warm down here in Southern California. I’d wear one of my velvet jackets tonight. Dang. Lust for McQueen. I tell you, lust! You find the best stuff.

  17. I had a chartreuse one from J Crew that didn’t fit well, but I do love the one I bought from Tahari some years ago: dusky purple velvet covered with swirling paisley embroidery. It’s fitted and has hidden snaps that close the neckline high enough that I don’t have to wear a shirt underneath it. I feel like Mick Jagger every time I wear it–lush, decadent, rock-starry.

  18. Show me these budget velvet blazers! I’ve been vaguely on the look out for one for a while and all I’ve seen in England have been expensive versions. (Note – I’d be looking to pay around 40-50 pounds for a velvet blazer if possible. Not sure what the exhange rate is with you guys…)

  19. You got MY VOTE!
    I wear VELVET almost daily…………..was just in Arizona in the desert on a walk in a velvet jogging outfit!We left the BAY AREA at 5 am…….so thats why!Was a bit nippy then……….LOVE VELVET.Especially the old vintage opera coats!