Quick Mother’s Day Reminder

A quick reminder that the Beladora Mother’s Day Sale is still on, they ship overnight, and they’ve added new stuff.

My siblings and I recently gave my mother Beladora jewelry to replace a few family pieces that are too valuable to wear casually. My brother and I collaborated on a necklace of hematite like the one below,

We could have opted to pair them with these danglers,

but chose black pearl studs similar to these (sans diamonds) instead, as she doesn’t wear long earrings. In her inimitable way, she wore them with a black cowl neck and a black/dark gray poncho. Never would have occurred to me, slave to necklines that I am.

For Mother’s Day itself, I’ll send flowers, but with time to read the news, I become increasingly concerned about the health of the planet (in an optimistic way of course) and will try Organic Bouquet this year. Grown organically, sourced in California. And with one of the most hideous well-meaning banner ads I hope you will ever see here. After all these years I’ve learned that some times we have to eschew good taste for values, both financial and moral.

Stunning Eco-Friendly Flowers & Plants - OrganicBouquet.com!

Still pains me though.

Finally, as always, let’s not forgot those who’ve been trying to become mothers, to no avail. And be considerate in our dealings with those who choose to have no children. But you’re probably already on it, thoughtful, well-mannered people that I have found you to be.


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14 Responses

  1. Thank you for that last reminder. To some people these days are more painful. Just being conscious is all it takes. And I’m sure the organic flowers have a more delicate fragrance!

  2. Love your blog, I look forward to reading it everyday and this was an interesting post as usual. It is however, the first time I’ve ever heard anyone express the idea of being considerate on Mother’s Day of those who are childless by choice. As one of those over 50 childless by choice women, I’ve never found the day to hold any negativity for me although I appreciate the sentiment that others may feel twinges of regret. But lest anyone feel the least bit sorry for me, I knew from early childhood that I did not want to be a mother even though I do like children (other people’s) and am able to express whatever maternal instincts I do have in caring for my husband, horse and dog. We all can enjoy the day in our own way, everyone has/had a mother to celebrate even though we may not be mothers ourselves. Cheers!

  3. M has been on a cut flower gifting kick lately, and he and I remarked at how your generic roses gifts do not smell like roses at all! I wonder if buying organic/green cut flowers, we will get our heady roses scent back in a bouquet? Might need to try that out!

    And thank you for that last paragraph. As you know my situation, it does make me much more reflective this year as now I know what’s ‘wrong’ with me while last year I didn’t.


  4. I will be giving Mother flowers but they will be hand picked and delivered to her personally….the lily of the valley is prolific in our garden and she adores it. Will also be taking her out for a spot of lunch and a cup of tea….the joys of having her so close by make celebrating convenient and easy. Your Mother will really enjoy receiving a bouquet knowing that you hold her in your thoughts and that special piece of jewelry looks like a family heirloom already.
    Happy Mother’s Day to you this coming weekend Lisa!

  5. I’m having 16 for a Mother’s Day BBQ, as I’m the center hub for family events. I do also include friends of my daughters, whose mothers have died, as it’s always a hard day for them. I give small gifts to all the women there, mother of human children or not. Holidays always have these two sides to them, don’t they and can be bittersweet in so many ways. Love the hematite you got for your mom.

  6. Thank you for thinking of those with fertility problems. I was fortunate enough to have two children, after 9 years of infertility. Those were very hard years.

  7. And those who have lost their mothers! Most people do, eventually. I’m really thankful that I’m in England where Mother’s day is much less of a big deal. The weeks of ads beforehand with pinkness, cliches, heartstring tugging and ridiculous gift suggestions were pretty hard to take just after she died.

  8. Yes Eleanor Jane , Mothers day has never been a big occasion in our English family . My mother said ‘no flowers , they just hike the prices up ‘ & certainly would have found it very odd if we had bought her lavish pieces of jewellery . It was thought to be an american custom .She always managed to eat our poor attempts at breakfast in bed though .

  9. Your mother is so glamorous. Wish she’d do a few guest posts like your pa.

    Happy mother’s day to you both!


  10. Lisa,love your perspective and have missed it! Forgive me using this space to report being one of the lost email addresses in your google glitch… I regrettably deleted your email of last week and your address with it, and the skypeale at yahoo address is undeliverable. Will you try to get me back on the list? Please drop me a note if needed. Thanks a million!


  11. To everything there is a season.
    I bought my MIL some jewelry to replace some that was too nice to stick around in her porous Assisted Living residence.
    It’s a bittersweet action, knowing that mother can’t keep her effects located. The bat of her eyes and wave of her hand with the new earrings and ring assured me we’d done the right thing. They’re just props.

  12. My Mother loves to receive new earrings and my jewelry designer friends have just the right gift for her!

    The Arts by Karena

  13. My mother will get flowers and a long telephone call. That seems to be our tradition. And I thank you also for the thoughts for those who are unable to be mothers. I was there once. Then I became a step-mother and now, truthfully I’m not sure where former step-mothers fall on the scale after the father has passed away. So far, I would think somewhere in the middle between family and close friend, but I think we are all kind of figuring that out right now. I find I am perfectly ok with that, that I am grateful for the experiences my life has afforded and feel no reason to hold onto expectation. I know that for my step-children this mother’s day will be fraught, falling as it does this year, the day after their father’s death, and I am grateful that they still have their mother, to honor, and celebrate, and hold on to when that is what is needed.