We’re In England! Or, Saturday Morning at 8:35am GMT


Yes, we’re in England, Tall Redheaded Daughter and I. In fact, we’ve been here all week. I drafted the book post roughly, before we left, and finished it one afternoon in a pause between London sights. Now we’re in Oxford for 2 days, before we head up to a village in the Cotswolds. Where we will apparently be drenched with rain, but how British is that? We’re lugging rain ponchos, umbrella, and boots in our bags, prioritized against more swanky gear, and hope to walk up and down the green hills, wetly.

Significant Husband stayed home, as he travels so much for work that airplanes and hotels no longer appeal.

So there I am above in the Tube, coming back from a walk through Shoreditch. That’s the arty punkish Brooklyn/Oakland part of the city, recommended by the inimitable @janepotrykus. On the flip side, here’s my daughter, in Hyde Park, recommended by the entire world. We’re enjoying ourselves enormously.


New, old, old, young, emergent, historic, full report to follow. Have a wonderful weekend.



59 Responses

    1. We will pass through London on Tuesday on the way to Heathrow but that’s it:(. I hadn’t made the association that you were actually IN London, as opposed to the times I assume that all the English live there:). I would have loved to have coffee, my mistake in planning. I hope to return – and would love to say hello in that eventuality.

  1. Ooh, we’re in the same country for a bit! Sorry about the weather… we’ve had a really hot summer (for us) but now it’s suddenly gotten a bit autumnal.

    Hope you’re having fun.

    1. Well hi! We don’t mind the weather, we’re from California where it hasn’t rained in ages. This is kind of nice.

  2. Your trip looks very enjoyable – I look forward to traveling with my daughter soon!

    (Also, I LOVE your daughter’s boots!)

  3. Jealous!!! Do enjoy and then let us live vicariously through your dutifully rendered keen observations.

    1. @M, “Dutifully rendered keen observations.” I think that should be my new blog tagline, if I can figure out how to switch it:).

  4. Next to home, England is my very favorite place to be. We’re hoping to squeeze in a trip in October, fingers crossed. Have a wonderful time.

  5. My daughter and I were there in July, and it was so hot — even by this Californian’s standards. Didn’t make it out to Shoreditch then, but I will be back in January. Would you recommend some time there?

  6. Wave at our son and daughter in law while you are there! We visited them last September. Have a wonderful rest of your trip!

  7. So glad you have a chance to travel with your daughter. Hoe you have a great time.

  8. You’re waiting for the tube, it’s August and there are no crowds – how did you manage that!!? Sorry about the dodgy weather but I’m pleased to hear you are having a lovely time. (Isn’t it special just to have time out with a daughter, wherever you are.)

  9. Sorry about the rain . We have had sunshine for weeks & the rain was needed . At least the countryside will be properly green for you . Looking forward to hearing more of your holiday . Next time try heading north , York is a lovely small mediaeval city & the natives are very friendly

    1. @Wendy, Thanks for the recommendation. I find I much prefer the medieval to the Gothic and later. And we got our Cotswold Way walk yesterday, in fair weather, so today’s rain is pretty cozy and nice.

  10. Glad you are enjoying your visit to the UK. You have been reasonably lucky with the weather at least last week, today is not so good in London. A good mac and sturdy shoes are essential.

  11. Ohhh, thanks for going! We’re headed to London in November and will just print your travel report, as I’m sure it will closely align with my travel list!

  12. Planning my first trip to London for next May – I can’t wait! Will enjoy your travels vicariously for now. Have a wonderful time.

  13. That was a surprise. Seeing a photo of you in London. How much fun? Enjoy. Sorry about the rain. It has been a beautiful summer. I will be coming back to your blog to see how you get on.

  14. Cotswolds: have you been to Daylesford, business enterprise – not big house, would be interested in your opinion of Lady B’s empire,
    If you want a big house/garden Sezincote is pretty amazing

    Enjoy the rain…

  15. was lovely to meet you + your tall, beautiful, intelligent daughter. though i should have known, with apples + trees + all.

    thank you for making time for tea.