A Privilege Blog Sale Of A Few Beloved But Hardly Used Pieces Of Clothing

Anyone else still working on 2-year old resolutions? I can finally check off “learn eBay.” The pointe shoes sold. Booyah!

Next step was to have been Sell Clothes. But I’m changing the plan. Turns out eBay is a community of its own, with particular behaviors. You have to know how to price, how to describe in eBay language, and you have to take a lot of photos. The good stuff often goes to people who arbitrage – i.e. buy goods and resell them.

So instead of eBaying I have donated a good percentage of my no-longer-or-never-worn stuff to the local American Cancer Society resale store. Off went a gossamer silk Armani dripping with sad memories, the unhappy black Monique Lhullier, a TOAST jacket, Michael Kors peacoat, and Nordstrom sparkle raincoat.

I held aside a few pieces with special meaning, which I’d like to offer to you all, if you’re so inclined. I like to think of them in friendly homes.

I’ve priced these at 50-25% off what I see on the RealReal (where applicable), and 80-85% off retail. I had unfortunately cut some of the tags out (they scratch!) and have discounted those items even further. Once I know destinations, I’ll add actual shipping charges to the requested payment.

Just send me an email at skyepeale (at) yahoo (dot) com if you’re interested in anything. First offers accepted, Paypal payments shipped immediately. With checks, I’ll wait until they clear. Preference given to previous commenters and correspondents, simply as a way to screen out the anonymous resellers, but if you’ve never spoken up before, please introduce yourself in the email. I will accept returns. And if you have questions, for example would like me to provide measurements, or even do an outfit shot in the Kiton suit, you have only to ask.

Whatever goes unsold, I’ll take back to the ACS shop, except perhaps the Kiton. Might put that up on eBay, because, collector’s item.

1. Clothes To Dress Like Grechen

In the blogosphere, one is occasionally inspired to dress like a revered blogger. And then her clothes look terrible on you. So it happened with Grechen and me. If you also would like to wear Grechen’s favorite brands, James Perse and Black Crane, this is your chance. I bet they’ll suit you well.

a. James Perse Paneled Shirts – $25 for both – SOLD







White shirt, linen and cotton jersey panels, size 3. Blue shirt, cotton jersey and ribbed cotton knit panels, size 3, purchase price ~$125-150 each from San Francisco James Perse store. Worn 4/5 times, washed several times. Slight wear at seams and neck.

b. Black Crane Carpenter pants – $20 – SOLD

These are above the ankle pants. You can see Grechen in hers, here, and the pants in a darker color, here. Maybe these would have worked for me in a smaller size, but since I’m all jeans all the time these days, I suspect I’d need a whole different supporting cast of tops to carry these off.




Black Crane label, light but tightly woven 100% cotton flannel, too heavy for hot and humid summers, size M, purchase price from La Garçonne online, $135. Never been cleaned, never been worn.

2. An Indie Blouse From Before Inside Out Style – $20- SOLD

Before I became a devotée of Imogen Lampert’s great blog, I took at stab at replacing a lace statement top. I shopped at Modern Appealing Clothing, one of my favorite independent SF shops., and took home a woven silk/cotton blouse by local designer, Dema. But, this is a large figure pattern, and as Imogen has explained to me, I like small figure patterns, such as, yes, lace, and Liberty of London. Worn once, because it looks good with my old Chanel jacket, but not again because I don’t lunch in Chanel that often these days.

Note that it has ties at the neck, if that isn’t visible in the photos.







DEMA label, care tags removed. Size M, purchase price ~$125 from M.A.C.. Beautiful worksmanship and detailing. Fabric has an ever-so-slight sheen. Altered in-store to taper the waistline a tad. Never been cleaned.

3. The Peanut Prada Cardigan – $100 – SOLD

I bought this long cardigan to accompany this dress. The dress still works, but the sweater fights with my gray hair and wins. Worn 2-3 times. Very lightweight fine cashmere.


Prada label removed (my apologies! but I’ll send the Prada hanger:)), care tags with “Made in Italy” remaining, Italian size 40, purchase price ~$800 but I cannot remember because I put my fingers in my ears as I sang “Lalalalalala,” to myself. Never been cleaned. One or two exceedingly small snags.

4. The Gray Lela Rose Dress – $150 – SOLD

Sigh. Back in the days of a job, cash, and a heightened sense of fashion, I bought this gray Lela Rose dress. Now it seems to demand more intense styling in hair and makeup than I can muster, to highlight its subtle joys. But it’s beautiful, for someone who lives a different life than I.

Here’s an outfit shot.


And here’s the dress today.






Lela Rose label at neck, dress in a 91% cotton, 6% polyester, 1% nylon fabric that’s crimped and puckered for texture, lining 100% silk in a lovely pattern, size 6, purchase price ~$800 via Farfetch from a boutique in Santa Barbara, Ca. Worn 4-5 times, been dry-cleaned once. Light sweat marks. Yes, even High WASPs.

5. An Extremely Rare Blush/White Felted Cashmere Kiton Skirt Suit from San Francisco Institution, Wilkes Bashford – $400 – SOLD

Purchased at the height of my Why Am I Not Rich!?!?! era, I was cutting off my nose to spite my face, as Mom would say, by spending money I didn’t have on something I couldn’t wear. I fear this might not be appreciated in the American Cancer Society shop. For someone who really loves fashion, and lives a life in which they can indulge their feelings. Never worn outside my house, although I’d occasionally put it on, stroke my arms, and sigh.

It fit like a dream. Dignified, but sexy as you walked away.






Kiton labels on jacket and skirt, care label in jacket, 100% felted cashmere, skirt lined in what feels like white silk but no care label in skirt, Italian size 40, purchase price ~$5000. Fabric is extraordinary, seaming you see is perhaps welted would be the technical term? Bought in the late 1990s, from the Wilkes Bashford shop in the Stanford Shopping Center.

6. A Pair Of Classic Ferragamo Varinas – $100

Back in the day, I wore black Manolo Blahnik flats to work. When they wore out, I tried these Varinas but I bought them too small, and the patent leather is unyielding. I did put on heel and half sole protection, but I fear the shoes were waiting for their Grande Dame.




Black patent leather with grosgrain bow and brass logo detail, size 7B, retail price $495, purchased online from I can’t remember where, worn several times including to this blogger conference, always painfully. Some wear to inner sole.

7. A Pair Of Jolie Laide Sofie d’Hoore Ballerinas – $100 – SOLD

Bought to go with the Lela Rose and the Dries van Noten dress. Forlorn without Lela. And too small anyway. Why I used to buy small shoes we may never know. I hope that my bad style habits become someone else’s fun adventure.

An outfit post.


And the details.




Orange-red leather with elastic, size 36 1/2, Purchase price ~$525, from M.A.C. Worn 3-4 times. A few dark marks on the toes.

And there you have it. Unlikely to be repeated. I’ll keep this post updated with sold notices, and I’ll cart off the unsold goods to donate on April 30th. Again, questions welcome.

39 Responses

  1. I’m cracking up, because I had two of the exact thing – peanut Prada cardigan (bad color on me) and the Ferragamo shoes – both sold on Ebay. Had a hard time with the cardigan, because I’d also cut out the tag!!!

    1. Hahahaha! I find I can’t be bothered with button front shirts these days, no matter how comfy:).

  2. Sigh. Everything is lovely. My shoulders are a 10 and the rest of me is a 6 or an 8 otherwise the Lela Rose would have a new closet.

    The white suit is something else. The seam detail looks to me like hand sewn pick (or sometimes called prick) stitching. Given the garment’s cost that would be not be unusual. You could turn back the cuffs of the jacket and wear it with nice jeans and a striped t. Or a black t. Whatever color you look best in. I would. In a heart beat.

    For my body type, the James Perse shirts do not work. The top button is below my bra. The shirt sticks to a camisole. I use tape instead. But they are comfortable.

  3. if my feet were not gargantuan, i would buy the sofie d’hoore flats in a heartbeat.

    love your tag sale :)

  4. I could cry about the Ferragamos, since I actually “need” a pair of black patent Varinas for a wedding, but am a 7.5. Waaaahhhhh!

  5. My feet are probably larger than Jane’s – 10.5. And my size is a multiple of 4! Otherwise I’d be tempted by the gray dress and the shoes. The suit is exquisite. I can’t imaging living the kind of life that would call for that suit, but I’d love to wear it! Almost everything I own was bought online at Lands End or LL Bean. Dressy clothes from Eileen Fisher.

    Beautiful clothes, Lisa. I hope they find good homes.

    1. @Marie, Thank you. It turned out to be fun, and cathartic in a way, to do this post. Despite the somewhat painstaking process when painstaking is not my forte. Also, I confess to having been, and still being in my heart, a fool for fashion.

    2. @Marie, My good friend across the street was asked to find homes for the wardrobe of a woman who goes to her church. The woman had died, and she was a hoarder. My friend had her clothes set up on racks and tables in her garage. There were dozens of dresses and suits that had never been worn, still with tags. They were expensive, St. John, etc. They were actually a little too big for me, but in any case they didn’t make sense in my life. There were also dozens of boxes of beautiful shoes, Cole Haan, etc., never worn. They were half a size too small. This killed me, because they were really beautiful and I could have used them.

  6. Good on you Lisa. Nothing more liberating than ridding the wardrobe/s of ghosts that haunt. Like ridding oneself of unyielding relationships, the loss is worth more than the hanging on.
    All the best with this.

    1. Thank you very much. I think I felt sad for the clothes I didn’t wear, and I am happy to set them free.

  7. Oh no- I tried the ones I have are 7 1/2…:(
    Size 7 is too small for me. That Kiton suit is worthy of royalty- beyond gorgeous.
    Thank you.

  8. What exquisite taste you have! I love everything but especially that skirt suit. If it was my size I would snap it up pronto, it’s just the sort of thing I would wear to some of my hubs work events or out with my in-laws.
    An Italian size 40 is a US 6/8? Is that correct?

  9. What lovely things! I would snap up those Ferragamos except my feet are too big for them!
    If at some point you feel comfortable sharing what remains in your retirement wardrobe, people like me would find that very useful. I’m hoping to keep working for quite a while yet – at least that’s the plan – but I don’t want to overspend on investment pieces for work that I would never wear in retirement life (at least for me, those expensive jackets and dresses last probably 10 years.)
    It’s always helpful to see how others are handling the casual at home dressing.

    1. Aha! Good idea. I’ll show you all what I’ve kept, and my thinking behind it, some time in the next couple of weeks.

    1. @Jb, You’re so cute! I have to rest and digest the impact of this one. It is possible I’ll be back, I’ve had fun too! Hearing from the interested purchasers, being reminded again how great you readers are, reliving the acquisition and rejoicing in emptier closets!

  10. That Kiton suit is beyond beautiful! Don’t sell it! You could frame it as a piece of art. Timeless.

  11. If it the right size , the Kiton suit would be beautiful for your daughter. I see it as a dinner suit – great to wear to the healthcare non profit benefit dinners that will come her way. Of course, that is 7-10 years away. If it were remotely the right size, I would be interested.

  12. I’m bigger than you and have about the same kinds of use cases. But that suit, wow. I see somebody else will have it soon.

  13. I’m chuckling over “The Grechen Sale”! Her style is so well-defined since she’s done so much work on figuring that kind of stuff out.

    I’m also getting a visual of all of us dressed like Grechen doing a Robert Palmer-style video in our James Perse. “Addicted to…..Shopping?”

  14. Oh my that suit is gorgeous. It would be great for ‘let’s go to the courthouse and get married’ along with a bouquet of posies and bottle of champagne.