(Publishing on a Sunday as is not the usual practice, because, stock is running low.)
Everyone knows Brooks Brothers makes classic clothing. Everyone may not know that the company occasionally offers their classic pieces in materials from luxury European fabric houses.
Besides, Brooks waves a navy flag like no one else.
Right now they’re running a two-tiered sale, i.e. spring reductions get you to a certain price, the code BBFNF25 gets you another 25%. Below are my picks – sizes are limited but not absurdly so, Friends & Family offer ends Tuesday. And, if all you need a another sensible but not too dowdy striped no-iron shirt for work, this is the place. I have one of their blue and white numbers hanging in my closet, just in case. Or perhaps to remind me of who I have been.

6 Responses
It is a lovely shirt for one to wear to work. Now that I don’t go there, I prefer a boxier shape to layer over the inevitable tee shirt. But I do remember the days of those shirts.
Now that’s a book title. “The Days Of Those Shirts.”:)
I have that shirt and I love it! I thought the horizontal stripes were a little different. Love Brooks Brothers, you are right, luxurious fabrics.
Just the right about of different, I agree.
Dear Lisa,
Well, I have moved my entire life and still have your blog alerts pop up on my email, so occasionally they grab my attention (I don’t have the time like I did before) but this one, well.. I had to read it because, being down under in the Antipodes and all, I JUST discovered the fine establishment of Brooks Brothers now I have moved near to a very swanky shopping centre that has the only Brooks Brothers store in Queensland. And they were having a sale a few weeks ago.. So I bought my first pair of BB chinos. In beigey/stone, of course. Wasn’t sure about them at first, but got them for half their original price: AU$250 to $125. After second wearing, they fit beautifully and are very comfortable. I’m sure they will soon become a staple of my wardrobe. Back to your article.. Unfortunately, when I clicked on the divine little pair of navy ballet flats with the bow in your picture, it took me to the ‘Aussie’ site, where, alas, no such sale or navy flats exist. But it was fun to say “I own a piece from Brooks Brothers”. And I would have snapped up those navy flats in a pinch to wear with my chinos, if not for the magic of the inter webs sensing that I was not in US.
Hope you are well, glad to see you still blogging away. xxxx
I am still here! And thank you for chiming in on the Brooks Brothers quality choir:).