Life As A Midlife Spy, Or, Saturday Morning at 8:24am

We are often encouraged to stay calm, and carry on. Serenity now, and all that.

But every once in a while, let’s applaud adventure. Yesterday I walked around San Francisco. Nothing happened really, and everything did. Cities are like multiple tiny explosions, each person you pass, each red light that turns green, each glimpse of sky from behind a skyscraper.

Do we say skyscraper any more?

Adventure comes easily to the young, I think. Did you have wild times in your youth? Are you young? Are times still wild?

Riding alone in elevators always makes me feel like a spy. Spies prefer blur.


Big adventures are still possible – witness all the midlife people traveling, all around the world. Jeanne Henriques is in San Francisco too, this weekend. She lives in Vietnam, her Instagram well worth a follow.

But waiting for travel is hard. So, small adventures. That’s why I garden. Will the bush anenomes survive insufficient early watering!? Will the hydrangea and the viburnum need separating!?!? Will the monarch butterfly caterpillar make it to pupation?!?!?!

No, no it won’t. But that’s one more fat and happy blue jay.

Just recently I changed my brand of tea. No more Organic Breakfast, I’m on to Yunnan Black. Funny how different it feels. Jane Potrykus is adventuring in London, where she lives. So many possibilities.


the summer plan is to be adventurous with fruits +vegetables via regular outings to @cliftongreens


A photo posted by jane potrykus (@janepotrykus) on

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Plans? Do tell. Perhaps the best small adventures are those recounted by friends.

32 Responses

  1. Great hair in today’s photo! We had an adventure last night–but not what we were planning.

  2. We attended a festival of Occitan culture today and are going to the cinema (in France!) tomorrow in the hopes that we can buy tickets for the original language, french subtitles version of Mad Max. Seeing as we’ve been terrified to leave the house lest someone speaks to us, this is pretty adventurous.

    1. @Cara, Exceptionally adventurous. Not that you needed to up your game of course, having just completely decamped and done a total career shift:). But sometimes the little things are as hard as the big ones. xox.

  3. Your hair is great! My adventure for the day is helping my daughter shepherd her two littles back home, stroller then commuter boat then big ferry then bus then stroller again. There’s a nap at the end of the adventure and I’m not talking about the one the littles will be having…happy Saturday!

  4. I’ve begun to try small adventures as well, as I can easily fall into a happy, predictable rut. Might be a new restaurant in a different area of LA, a new hiking trail, or buying a spiralizer from William Sonoma and making noodles out of zucchinis. Love your hair.

  5. Small adventures keep us young.

    As to tea, I love a good black tea, Organic Breakfast being a favorite. Was wondering what brand of Yunnan tea you are currently enjoying?

  6. I went to a bunch of garage sales this morning…not my usual Saturday at all….much more risky! Got to mix things up to keep life fresh.
    Your hair looks fabulous!

  7. Today’s adventure was spent 10 1/2 feet up on a ladder propped up against the side of our weekend house, sealing up all the entry points with steel mesh. I call it The Squirrel Wars, and it’s how I’ll be spending the entire Summer. Your hair looks amazing! Long and straight really suits you.

    1. @Sheila, Squirrel wars! I immediately imagine this as an animated movie, like Toy Stories, or Up. And, all credit to the great hair stylist, thanks!

  8. Furtive fashion suits you well. I believe you have thus identified the 21st c version of the staycation. Thanks for giving eloquent voice and thoughtful shape to otherwise amorphous and nebulous ideas floating through the universe.

    1. @M, Ah, my pleasure! Those of us who have narrated our whole lives to ourselves are happy to share what we cannot prevent!

  9. 1) Love the hair! You look wonderful.
    2)Big fan of small adventures; they are the best kind, sometimes.
    3)It’s funny how small things like changing teas really CAN shake things up for the better.

    Really enjoyed this post :)

  10. I’m with Frances. About your hair (you look very cool in that shot) and about the napping thing. Today’s adventure: Hubby and I have planned our bike ride using Gogglemaps, checked out the trails around Ottawa, will throw our bikes in the truck (we live in the country where the roads are NOT bicycle safe, so we drive to the trails), packed a small picnic, and are off to explore some new territory. Hope we don’t get lost. Home late this aft for a nap and a read on the deck. It ain’t Paris but it’s pretty darned good!

  11. Glad you’re enjoying great small adventures! My small adventures are my twice-weekly herding lessons. Sounds nice & calm & pastoral, but sometimes it’s a rodeo! Very cool when my dog & I are in sync & working as a team & very humbling when we’re not. We’re enjoying the process & we’ll keep training & learning!

  12. Spy mode….my dream as a kid. I was certain the CIA would recruit me when I came of age. Alas, my husband says I cannot tell a lie. The truth is written all over my face.

    Adventures? Lots of them! I was at 1 World Trade in NYC for a secret meeting this week. Details to follow in the near future. And as for travels, I haven’t done much, but I just won a cruise to the Caribbean with Celebrity through a Pinterest contest from NY Magazine. I’m thrilled! It’s the honeymoon that we two broke college grads couldn’t afford to take.