Garb For An Almost Doctor, Or, Saturday Morning at 11:59am

Daughter's Wardrobe

And today I am in Southern California, visiting my daughter, my husband holding down the fort back home. This morning we went through her closet, discarding and giving away the worn out or unused. Then we analyzed wardrobe gaps.

Turns out some doctors-in-training prefer flat shoes just like their mothers do.

This afternoon we shop for her Christmas presents. At one point in the process, as we sorted out the gaps, we identified a need for one more sweater. “I’m thinking…” I said. “It should be…” she said. “Purple,” we said together.

Off on a lavender cardigan and flat shoe expedition. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. I’ll be at a mall or two, doing what can only be described as red-heading around like crazy.

28 Responses

  1. I am sure you and your daughter will have a wonderful time. She is so beautiful and can I say an almost doctor who could be a model. Being a daughter will be way better, but maybe there’s a call for model doctors?

  2. So fun! I just did this with my daughter as well. Found a few gaps, and filled with (like her mom) with black and army green!

  3. Flats are key – says she who wore 3″ heels on call during med school and residency.. Now heels are reserved for when there is valet parking and no stand around cocktail hour. Enjoy shopping with your daughter.

  4. Flats are so much more comfortable when one is on their feet for hours. Thankfully the shoe designers now make comfortable shoes that look more stylish.
    You’ve got a great day ahead of yourselves…mother daughter shopping is always fun! I recently took mine to Aritzia to buy an early Xmas gift.
    Oh and lavender is the perfect shade for a red head!

  5. Humm, Anthropologie has some purple sweaters, very light, ethereal with the requisite fluttery trim. Maybe the right weight for SoCal.

  6. I can’t think of a better way to describe, specifically, clothes shopping with one’s daughter than “red-heading around.” And my daughter doesn’t even have red hair! Hope your day was fun and that all the flats fit!

  7. Sounds like you are on a mission. My kind of mission! Shop a little have a bite at a cafe or later in the day a nice wine or champs with tapas… Make a lovely day of it. Enjoy! Susan

  8. Hoping the shopping trip was a success with your daughter, Lisa.

    Another who agrees that flats are key for ward rounds. Except when you’ve a list of less than ten and it’s the last week before Christmas. In which case black patent pumps are mandatory! Just saying.

    SSG xxx

  9. You’ll rock purple,both of you! And I adore flat shoes!
    I hope wel’ll see the outcome of the hunt.
    Hello to you and your beautiful daughter.
    I’m sure she works so hard that deserves sweaters in all colours

  10. I love the expression, “red-heading around.” And I couldn’t agree more that flats are best. I haven’t worn heels for years. I remember years and years ago, my FIL, who was a sculptor, told me that wearing heels threw my body alignment completely off. Back then, I was very slim and taking 5 ballet classes per week. I felt comfortable in heels.

    I hope that you and your stunning daughter found the perfect lavender sweater!

  11. Enjoyed reading your blog today. As you can see, I’ve moved over to doing more poetry than fashion.
    Take a peek, if you like.
    Hope your holidays go well!
    Best, Judy

  12. That sounds like so much fun, Lisa! I would love to be doing that with any of my daughters. Enjoy the moments and the adult friendship you’ve developed!

  13. How wonderful she must so appreciate her Mom! My best friend’s daughter is also a young doctor and she is very dear to me, she looked after my rascals over the years so we could get away for weekends without kids… she’s coming with us on a trip to Florida in January and we’ll be shopping together which will be lovely, we have a similar style, she even wore my wedding dress when she was married a a few years ago!
    These kind yet serious young women are so inspiring. XO

  14. Sounds like such fun. How fondly I remember those days, I love that (now rare) time spent shopping with daughter and daughter-in-law.

  15. Oh that does sound like fun, Lisa. What a great gift for a very busy daughter… especially the sorting part. I must steal that idea next year and do something similar for my sister. Win, win…really. Since I loooove sorting and making lists. Have a great Christmas, Lisa!

  16. Drat! Just when I was getting used to having only sons (who are 26 and 29, by the way). I do miss not having a daughter to shop with, but this weekend I get to fix my goddaughter’s hair for her third birthday party.

  17. She IS gorgeous! I report to a former model who is now a Chief Medical Officer of a Children’s Hospital – she is elegant, graceful, poised, gracious and highly intelligent – just like your beautiful daughter. Shopping together must have been so much fun!