Interior Surfaces At Mom’s House ( At No O’Clock)

I spent Tuesday and Wednesday nights at my mother’s house. Thank you all for your response to last Saturday’s post. I’m working my way through the replies, it does take longer than usual.

I thought I might show you a few more photos from Mom’s house. These are interior surfaces.

Upholstery in a guest room.


Duvet covers in the same room.


Tile in a guest bathroom.


20th century Swedish upholstery on a sofa bed in a guest room.


A living room rug.


A tansu cupboard in the living room.


The living room tile. Installed when my mother and stepfather moved in, it single-handedly transformed the house.


The Southern California light, of course, was already there.

25 Responses

  1. Exactly the kind of small perfect details that always hold my attention and my memory. Hold them and the attendant associations closely and lightly. Take care.

  2. Can’t see a way to fix this from my end, but I see that somehow I’ve incorrectly entered my URL (odd, because I thought I was using the default setting from way back. . . ). So clicking on my name brings readers to a site they shouldn’t bother visiting (Spam potential?). This comment has the correct .com (rather than .net) suffix…. Sorry.
    I still want to say that your post is astonishingly eloquent, in its minimalism, restraint. xo

  3. I see that exquisite taste is genetic.

    (I’m saying this because it looks like your mother and I have the same living room rug, and I LOVE mine.)

    Also, with what you’re currently going through, sometimes it’s best to focus on surfaces. The young always want to go deep, but as I’ve gotten older, I realize that sometimes we need to focus on what is pleasing. On what brings us joy. And that we can derive a deep enjoyment of the surfaces of things.


  4. Such beautiful textures! She seems to have provided you with her exquisite taste. Love that tile.

  5. Her taste is exquisite. I loved looking at these images. So true about focusing on the surfaces. It’s all in the details.

  6. I just want to say that every time we pass Chualar (a few times a year), I think of you and your family. There is more feeling in the intention now.

  7. Thank you for these photos Lisa. All are lovely and depict a textural home that would delight the eye.

  8. Hello Lisa, It is said that you can tell people’s characters from the titles of their books, and this is also true of the surfaces they choose to live with. Everything you have told us about your mother and your background is echoed in these photos, which emphasize elegance, warmth and comfort.

  9. The living room tile! I love it. All the pictures are of beautiful details. Thinking of you with love. Happy Saturday. xo.

  10. Amazing how a floor can totally transform a room, and that tile is stunning. Love all of the fabrics as well, and I can see that your mom has an unerring eclectic eye. Beautiful details.

  11. the upholstery in the guest room is the bees’ knees (or was it only one bee?) if you do not mind my saying so…

  12. during challenging times, I find small details like this that are surface and tactile kind of comforting. And here you were saying you didn’t like domestic minutiae! x

  13. The guest rooms sound VERY nice. The mosaic tile, in particular, is quite lovely. We are sleeping in our “guest room” due to a remodel, and it is anything but nice, filled with our son’s junk. When do we finally get that space back?

  14. How exquisite.

    I am sorry you are losing your mother in this way. I lost my father the same way: first the part that is the essence of the person and then the corporeal shell. It is hard.