Happy Birthday Brigitte, Or, Saturday Morning At 7:28am

Magnolia for Brigitte
Magnolia in the morning

Today we’re hosting a back yard party for my stepmother. She turned 75 a couple of weeks ago, and while someone may deserve a fête more than she, it’s no one I know.

I post the magnolia above in her honor. I was hoping it would still be blooming creamy white today, alas, it’s browned in the heat. As a photographer, with a history of flowers, I know she’ll understand. Happy birthday, Brigitte. And all the love of the decades.

You all have a good weekend.




8 Responses

  1. Have a beautiful birthday garden party!
    Happy Birthday to your stepmother,

  2. Oh Lisa, Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to this afternoon. I’m sure–since you’re the party-planner–it will be a memorable event. You’re right–I do understand the problem with magnolias. As you photographed it, it is perfect–I’ll remember it that way.

    And thank you to the birthday wishers above. xo G

  3. Happiest of birthdays to your very talented step-mother. Love her work. And have a great party. xo

  4. Oh I hope you had a wonderful gathering. We had a long cool spring, at least until the magnolia bloomed. The shock of the heat took its toll.

  5. Nothing better than a lovely garden party! Happy B-day to G. I’m sure the celebration will be perfect. Your white Magnolia is beautiful. The Magnolias in MA suffered greatly this spring due to the Spring cold snaps. My large white magnolia tree was full of buds and they all froze. The result being no flowers. Like all gardeners, I vow to wait for next Spring and a future nice display. Enjoy – Susan

  6. Happy Birthday Brigitte! Meanwhile, who else but a full breed Sturdy would have enough capacity to spare for hosting a beautiful afternoon garden party while simultaneously being exhausted and worried? I so envy your Sturdy trait! What did you wear? Was there cake? Presents? Did your menu come from the new grill you showed us? Cheers to you, Lisa…