When The Universe Tells You To Stop Talking, Or, Saturday Morning at 8:47am


Hello, dear friends.

I write to you, ruefully shaking my head at the universe and my bandaged finger. Last night I closed a door on my hand. Although nothing is broken and I will probably just lose a fingernail, typing is uncomfortable.

Next week I’ll return with full-on beautiful goods, impetus for social change in the direction of compassion, and blather about the meaning of life. But today, before I go, I want to say thank you.

This blog has helped me enormously with one of the tasks of my somatic being; listening. Listening and remembering that everyone wants and needs to be seen and heard. And if you can manage to see and hear people with courtesy, everyone feels better.

You’ve made me feel better. Have a wonderful weekend.


Photo edited one-handed on phone with the Quickshot app. All credit for sparkles goes to technology. All credit for dirt under fingernails to a transplanted fern. Thanks buddy.


24 Responses

  1. So sorry about your finger and I thoroughly sympathize. I accidentally caught my finger in the shower door back in January. I didn’t lose a nail, but my finger turned purple for a while. Our cats were entertained as I hopped around the bathroom howling in pain.
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery but be prepared …it takes about two months to fully heal. Vitamin C helps with tissue repair.

  2. It must be going around ~ slammed mine in the refrigerator door. Black and blue nail. Also dropped my computer (pointed corner first) on my foot which has a huge bruise. Universe is telling us all to slow down maybe?

  3. Hello Lisa, What a dreadful accident to happen to your finger. Although of course this world contains more truly serious medical incidents, thinking about damage to fingernails causes that weak-in-the-stomach feeling; the anguish is perhaps more mental than physical. Rest up, and I hope that you recover quickly and comfortably.

  4. I do love your phrasing: “…if you can manage to see and hear people with courtesy, everyone feels better.” I hope the finger heals fast.

  5. Sorry about your finger,I know it hurts so much….but ,hopefully, it will be well soon

  6. Hi Lisa,
    Hope you finger gets better quickly. It’s amazing how much a hurt finger can get in the way of doing ANYTHING. Time to rest it and read a book.
    Sue xo
    P.S. Thank you for replying so respectfully and intelligently to that commenter on my last blog post. I really appreciate it. There was such a plethora of back and forth political comments that I was a bit flummoxed as to how to respond. So glad you did it for me.

  7. Oh no! So sorry to see this. I hope your finger is feeling better soon. I will look forward to your next posts. We need your voice.

  8. So sorry you battered your finger. But as far as loosing that nail — two years ago I dropped a carton of heavy books on my right foot. Black and blue all over; lucky I hadn’t broken it, but as for the nails, I didn’t loose one. Lovely ring, by the way.

  9. All best wishes for your rapid recovery. Glad that you were able to show love for your transplanted fern before the injury. It is probably good for all us to slow down. It’s been a tough week, indeed.

  10. It’s odd, but I always manage to inflict minor damage on myself when the world goes crazy. Perhaps it’s a way of distracting myself from what I cannot process. Time to slow down and enjoy the garden (I would but Cristobal is drowning us at the moment).

  11. Lisa,
    Your comments from last week will cover my hope to hear your thoughts. We are all such delicate creatures in need of much that we are unable to obtain at this time. These types of injuries are a shock to our senses. Please heal at your own speed.


  12. And listening to you has taught me so much, and helped me process my own feelings about things in the world. I hope your finger feels better soon. <3

  13. I just took part in a Zoom webinar for VoteSaveAmerica.com, and one of the skills they stressed over and over again was LISTEN to people! Get that typing finger healed up, Lisa.

  14. Ugh. So sorry about your finger! Been there, done that. A good time to relax and read or binge watch something fun.

    If you were a small child and nearby I would kiss it and make it better. Well, it used to work with my kids.


  15. Yes, Yes and Yes. What a lovely community here, the offers of kisses and healing. That is true support. The world is going through a major shake up at the moment. I don’t know what else to say but wanted to let you know I am here too.
    The picture of your hand reminds me of the Jewel song Hands https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=jewel+song+hands. Some poignant lyrics that echo how so many are feeling right now:
    I will not be made useless
    I won’t be idled with despair
    I will gather myself around my faith
    For light does the darkness most fear
    We will fight, not out of spite
    For someone must stand up for what’s right
    Cause where there’s a man who has no voice
    There ours shall go singing
    In the end only kindness matters
    I will get down on my knees and I will pray
    I will get down on my knees and I will pray
    I will get down on my knees and I will pray
    My hands are small, I know,
    But they’re not yours they are my own
    But they’re not yours they are my own
    And I am never broken

  16. Ouch, that had to hurt. Agreed, listening is important. Accidents seem to be on the rise, including my own. (I fractured my wrist moving a market umbrella stand and will wear a brace for 6 weeks, luckily no surgery required.)Seems to me, these accidents are due to being distracted with world events and COVID. Some say, “slow down” and I agree this might reduce accidents. Take care.

  17. That sounds painful. I keep kicking the sill to the shower stall, the ends of two toes are bruised. It just hurts out of all proportion to the event. Love the wedding ring, really pretty.

  18. It’s amazing how much you rely on all your fingers so that when one is out of commission, it really hampers your ability to function! I once tore a tendon on a finger in a fall and that was an ordeal I wish never to repeat. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  19. Good lord. So sorry this happened to you. It sounds painful. Thank you for communicating your ideas through this blog, and thank you for listening to me. xo.

  20. Ow! That really hurts! Hope you heal fast and that the pain subsides quickly. Beautiful ring, by the way, goes along with the sparkles in the rest of the photo!