Somewhere on the blogosphere, in a place I can no longer find, I defined luxury as when the cup of both function and beauty overflows. Meaning that both beauty and function are packed so thoroughly into an object or experience that we plain ol’ get more good than we expect. The surprise adds to our enjoyment; cost is incidental.
In that spirit; things.
A Thank You From My Siblings
As I have said, I am the executor for my mother’s estate. This has involved a lot of work, especially of the fighting-with-people-who-charge-too-much and keeping-track-of-myriad-annoying-details varieties. When my siblings and I gathered last weekend (in person and virtually) to distribute Mom’s personal property, my siblings gave me an extraordinarily lavish present in thanks. An outfit, from San Francisco’s Modern Appealing Clothing. Owned by a brother and sister, local, and not very much online.
Foremost among the pieces was an Italian cashmere duster from another San Francisco company with no online sales, Harwood. They do have a website with photos. (I’ll put up my own photos in another post, I am just waiting for a few alterations.)
Mine is black. And spectacular. The selvedge edge of the fabric acts as trim. Along with the coat, my generous siblings also gave me a pair of black Dries van Noten jacquard trousers and a scarf and top from yet another local designer, Ilona Drozdzik. So abundant.
I never would have bought these things for myself. These days as you know I dress mostly in UNIQLO tees, H&M sweatpants and UNIQLO jeans, and Timberlands. So the gift was lavish not only in materials and design but also in intent, and in celebration maybe of the time I’ve spent developing style here. Thank you, siblings. Thank you very much.
A Birthday Present
A few weeks ago, when my husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I said I’d like to take an afternoon with him to walk around Palo Alto, masked, distanced, and maybe even shopping. We’ve got a local jewelry store that offers artisans’ work. I would have been fine to find nothing, the novel experience of wandering the streets would have been enough in this time of quarantine and monotony.
Oxidized silver with diamond chips, gold posts. On sale now, 10% off.
A Moment Of Peace From I Can’t Remember Where
Somehow a vial of spa aromatherapy spray wound up in my shower. It’s eucalyptus-scented, and every time I remember to use it, my shower becomes a luxury. You just spray it in the general direction of your feet. I can’t find the same bottle online, probably it came from a hotel stay, but this, in several scents, seems similar.
$22 for 5 minutes peace. Luxury.
Have a good weekend everyone. I’ll be thinking of you and hoping you are well.
Some links may generate commissions. Some assuredly will not.
23 Responses
It is an amazing,gorgeous piece and so very you!
Diamond hoops are beautiful,too
To have wonderful people around you-simply priceless
Take care
Thank you! I think you would love this piece, I really do. And yes, the people are beyond measure.
Here’s the link to 100 Bon.
Thanks! Didn’t know they were French. Fun! I used the site I did because I knew they do US e-commerce and they are in my affiliate network.
What wonderful gifts from your siblings! How nice for them to recognize and reward your grown-up self. It sounds like you are living a great life.
I have had a very abundant last couple of weeks. I am lucky in the people who love me <3.
What a loving gesture by your siblings. It shows both their gratitude, and how well they know you, which is a special acknowledgment of love. I was the executor of my mother’s estate. It is a difficult job for practical and emotional reasons. Five years on, odds and ends still crop up related to it. The earrings are gorgeous. I’m curious about the size. I’ve been looking for something similar. Because I lived in Palo Alto, I know the shops terrain. I imagine you in De Novo with Mansoor just across the way, both places filled with beautiful designs. Wear all your pieces as the love totems they are. Happy Saturday.
@Katherine C. James, I can’t tell you how much I look forward to all of this being done.
The earrings are small, like Huggie earrings, if you know what I mean? And yes, it was De Novo:). Rebecca Myers.
What gorgeous and thoughtful gifts – it’s obvious that they put a great deal of thought and time into what they gave you. I love it all and want it, particularly that cashmere duster. Your birthday earrings are gorgeous as well, and like KCJ, I’d love to see the size and how the sort of “sit” on you. Doing a parent’s estate is an emotional, tedious, and usually a thankless job. I’m so happy they acknowledged you in the right way. xo
@KSL, Thank you. I really appreciated that they took the time and were so generous. I can totally see you in the duster, in some custom fabric. The earrings are quite small, and sit close to my ear. I’ll take a photo with them too.
The cashmere duster is indeed a luxurious and thoughtful gift. The earrings are gorgeous and I know how much you enjoy wearing earrings. How wonderful to be surrounded by loving and generous people- priceless!
@Jane, It is priceless:).
That is a spectacular coat, Lisa. I can see it on you… and hope to soon. :) What a generous gift. And well-deserved. Just think, every time you wear those pieces you’ll be all warm inside… as well as out.
@Sue Burpee, I will be:). I wear the coat snapped at the neck and across the chest. It looks like a kurta. I can’t wait to show you!
Beautiful loving gifts showing love and appreciation.
You have a great family.
@Susan, Thank you. I will say, we have worked at being a good family. Worked pretty hard. And also been fortunate, of course xoxo.
Gorgeous, generous, and well-deserved.
@MJ, Yes, yes, and thank you:).
A marvelous set of gifts from your siblings and DH. The coat is gorgeous. Well deserved, I might add. Every time you wear it, you will feel wrapped in their love.
@Mary, Wonderful comment! Such a gift.
@Mary, I will wear it and remember that they thanked me <3
Haven’t you quoted your mother as saying, “A simple ‘thank you’ will do,” when an astonished recipient stood tongue-tied before her generosity? I’m glad your sibs took their own thanks for your well-done work to a higher level! And that your thanks to them in turn took the form of this lovely post, so that we can all appreciate their thoughtfulness and love for you.
Now to see a pic or two of you in that fantabulous cashmere duster – straight-up, twirling, swaggering…?
@Victoire, Yes. I have quoted that:). And am prone even so to elaborate thanking:) I look forward to putting up some photos.