My father, known here and beloved as Professor C., is in his last days. Eventually, when it’s written, I’ll post his obituary. Soon, I hope to be back as your usual friend and Saturday morning company.
For now, if you’d like to read my father’s writing, you can search for Professor C. in the search box to the right, and I think his posts will come up.
See you all soon.
20 Responses
I’m sorry, Lisa, that you are going through this process with your father during this particularly isolating and difficult time. Thinking of you.
Lisa, you are always our friend and Saturday morning company. It’s not a conditional thing.
I’m sorry you’re going through this sad time with your father. I’ll certainly read his posts to honor
him and you.
I’m sending hugs and an abundance of love to you.
“This is a wonderfully readable, well-written, highly literate memoir, full of interest, bristling with literary intelligence and of well-turned phrases…quirky, and funny.” – Scott Wallace (former student)
by W.B. Carnochan
Memoir of a distinguished scholar and art collector, and Lisa’s father.
I’’m so sorry. Your presence will be a great comfort to him, I am sure.
My heart goes out to you and your entire family. With much love to you all…
Thinking of you, my Saturday morning friend.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Thanks for sharing his writing with us.
Lisa, I’m so sorry for the heartache you must be going through. I love Professor C.! Please take care of yourself and your dear father. We’ll all be here for you when you feel like sharing more. Lots of love and a big hug for you. <3
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Oh, I’m so sorry, Lisa.
I’m so sorry Lisa. My father just died on Friday morning, after I returned home to San Francisco after visiting him in Texas. Trying to help my siblings with the funeral arrangements and not really focusing on missing him because it will make me too sad!! It is so hard.
I’m so sorry to hear this Lisa but hope you have some time with him in these last days. Coming so soon after losing your mother, it is a burden you are carrying and I hope you know some comfort from the support of your internet friends. Take care.
May God send peace and His Comforter to your family.
So sorry to hear this. So hard to lose a parent. My heart goes out to you at this difficult time.
I am so sorry Lisa. My thoughts are with you.
My thoughts are with you. Sending love and supportive thoughts your way…Take care.
Hello Lisa, I am very distressed to hear this sad news. Know that all of our hearts are with you and your father at this time.
Oh Lisa. I am so sorry. This is a difficult time. We all make assumptions about loss based on the standard ways relationships are supposed to go. I won’t do that. I’ll tell you how much I admired your dad, and how delighted I was by his contributions to your blog. My dad was the parent I felt truly loved by and at home with, and I feel lucky to have had that. I saw him through the blessedly short illness at the end of the long (89 years) and happy life of a good and optimistic man who saw the best in others. I was surprised how quickly my grief resolved into gratitude that he had lived. He stays with me: we talk, he answers in ways that surprise me as they did when he was alive. As you grieve your loss in whatever way has meaning for you—I think whatever you’re feeling is exactly the right way to feel—I send you my support and my love. xoxoxo.
All thoughts and all love, dearest Lisa. You have some sense of what your father and mother have meant to me personally, and to my husband and me as a couple. We will never forget them, and never cease loving them.
“Remember, and be glad…”
Courage, ma chère… Sending love.