My New Favorite Piece Of Clothing And It’s Not Navy Blue, Or, Saturday Morning at 9:24am

A few weeks back, in our conversation about color, I mentioned ordering this dress.

Elle est arrivée. (Details: I ordered a Medium, I could have gotten a Small. But I don’t mind the over-sized look.)

It took a long time to get here, as it turns out the company just started up, ships from China and has been more enthusiastically received than the founders predicted, but the brand was good about communicating via Instagram.

I now feel more fondness than I have for a piece of clothing in a very long time.

Tere’s a picture of the seaming at the bodice. Also the veins on my hands, but let’s just say that humans have their own versions of seams, those places where lengths of our being hold us together. Or if today is not a good time for poetic fancy, let’s say, pockets.

I love it so much I didn’t take it off for an entire day. Now it’s in the washing machine, on the delicate cycle, and then will go in the dryer at very low heat, so I can see what happens absent possible sizing chemicals. I will update this post. Promise you won’t lose sleep.

As we speak my only point of annoyance is that I can’t order it in more colors. They sell this in Claret, but I don’t do asymmetry, at least not on purpose.

Or I’d love a Marine Blue, Grae Cove? Asking for myself, and a couple thousand friends.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, as summer in the Northern Hemisphere fades at the margin of our days.

UPDATE: Went through the delicate wash cycle without color loss, dried low heat in a flash and shrank may half an inch? Maybe a quarter? So in the end I’m glad I got the Medium because somehow the drape does work, and it feels just right. Goldilocks, get it?


No affiliate links included. BTW, I know my comment function is almost completely broken. I swear to you all on navy blue that I will start the blog rehab project in September. Thank you for hanging around. You should always message me on Instagram or Twitter if you have a question. @amidprivilege, both places.



32 Responses

  1. How lovely you are! The dress looks beautiful on you. And that color just makes me happy

  2. I love the dress! This color looks great on you. I will add this company to my list of online clothiers that I am enjoying.

  3. How cool and wonderful you look in that dress. it is exactly the kind of summer dress I could live in and never want to take off. Yes, they should have more colors, although that one looks lovely on you.

    1. Mardel, aw, thanks:). I have never liked casual dresses until very recently. I think as my native look becomes less female, more “generic older person,” I want my clothes to shift the balance back.

    1. ParisGrrl, How would I do that? So beyond my capabilities LOL. How would I know how it would turn out?

    1. Sue, thank you:). And your analysis gave me the inspiration and the courage to buy something I never would have thought might look good, prior.

  4. I like it.
    I might like the claret better in a style that wasn’t long-sleeved.
    I always start off with good intentions on laundering things -delicate cycle, low-heat. If I really like something and wear it a lot it almost always gets tossed into the dryer with everything else. That’s when it’s good to have gotten the next size up.

    1. RoseAG, You crack me up! As always! I did put this in the dryer, but on low. It dried in a flash, and seems to have suffered very little if at all…

  5. I LOVE it on you. It’s a great dress and fantastic color. Also love the Ainsley, the in the sage green. Similar cut, with a v-neck.

    I do like the claret dress as well. I don’t like asymmetry on hemlines, etc. – but for some reason I think it’s a bit edgy and good on that dress.

    1. KSL, my favorite enabler, you;). I admit, I said to myself, “But maybe I don’t hate this asymmetry as much as OTHER asymmetry?”

  6. I love this dress, and I love it on you (and you in it:)!
    Not sure how you feel about layering, but I have a few dresses with similar below-bust/high waist seam and gathered skirt and I like wearing them with a cropped boxy pullover or cardi to extend their season of wear… (I could see you wearing navy over this, for example….

    (also, I think you should try the claret dress too. . . but I’ll admit I often do like asymmetry, deliberate included ;-)

    1. Frances, I totally thought of you when I put this dress on! I have seen you in many such, and I can see me wearing this into fall too. With the right jacket;)

  7. Love it and you look great in that colour! Linen wears like iron but is so lovely and cool.

    I have a similar linen dress I bought earlier this year from Etsy (LinenCloud, in Lithuania). What I like about LC is the colour selection and also the opportunity to make changes to the length, and there are other similar stores on Etsy that offer more colours and length customization etc. This one at LC comes in teal,

    1. Johanna, Thanks! Great resource, thank you. I love their burgundy and moss green colors too.

  8. I just ordered a mustard-yellow dress yesterday due to our discussion of shopping for our colors! I adore yours — it looks so cool and perfect for summer, and the color is lovely on you.

    I second the comment about buying one size up, especially for linen and linen blends: allowing for shrinkage is a good idea, even with careful treatment. Even if it’s a little bit big, it doesn’t look as voluminous as it feels due to the way the fabric drapes — does that makes sense? I find I can usually belt the waist of a dress for a different look or better fit — or even have a bit trimmed off of the bottom by a tailor and a matching belt made from the fabric. One day I will learn to sew. :)

    Thank you so much for brightening my Saturday, Lisa, as always. Have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. Jess, It is my pleasure to have you as a reader. In the end, I was glad to have sized up, because as you say I like the drape of the additional fabric, and it did shrink a little bit. I hope you love your new mustard dress too!

  9. Lisa,

    You look gorgeous in your your new Grae Cove dress. The color is great on you — your hair looks wonderful, too.

    I followed your lead on the dress. I ordered the dress in the Ainsley design – same as yours, but a V-neck. V-necklines are better on me. The dress is a Sage Green, although it’s described as “greyish green.” The color is perfect on me.

    I’m a Winter – I felt like it’d work on me. It too awhile for my dress to arrive as well, for all the same reasons you’ve mentioned. It was worth the wait.

    I absolutely love it. Have gotten so many compliments — strangers stopping me — “love your dress. Where can I find one?”

    Thank you for your recommendation. And thank you to Susan B., of – Une Femme d’un Certain Age blog, on colors that work for me as a Winter. I know you both are friends IRL — you are both extraordinary women; authentic, generous, filled with talent.

    I’ve learned so much from both of you. You’ve made my life better — and I’m grateful. Because of my former profession (TV), I’d been able to rely on others for makeup and clothing. Didn’t think much about it — and then when I was on my own, oh the mistakes I made. Anyway, I’m grateful for both of you — thank you — and I highly recommend the Grae Cove dress whether in your (Lisa’s style) or the Ainsley (v-neck). Love it! Happy last weekend in August to all! xox

    1. Elizabeth, Thank you! I am so happy to hear that you like that Ainsely dress. KSL was saying that one appealed to her too. It is something when people stop you on the street. What fun for everyone.

      I’m kind of choked up about your thank you to me and Sue. Sue and I are friends, and I feel pretty sure I can speak for her in saying that we are happy to have met each other, and also very happy in having such wonderful readers. Sue’s audience is very large, and yet she remains always herself, always both authentic and professional. The moments, like this one, where I hear I’ve been useful, are the best. Glorious last week in August to you too xox.

  10. That dress looks great on you! Better on you than on the model! Aways appreciate seeing clothes on a real person…

    1. Elizabeth, Thank you:). I agree, seeing clothes on real people, especially when they have their slippers and hiking boots on display in the background;), helps us understand how the clothes might really work for us.

  11. I’ve decided that “Honey” (and similar shades) is the color of my 60s. It’s so validating to see someone else appreciate it as well! I think it goes well with silver jewelry or pearls. And blue eyes, of course.

    1. Rebecca, I am happy to validate your good eye all day long! I wore my gold turquoise studs with the dress. Made me happy every single minute:)

  12. I’ve seen this color recently and it stopped me dead in my tracks. I’ve SO thought of myself in only a red\pink range, but THIS!!!! This golden, mustard loveliness amazes me in how it stirs me. And on YOU, oh, how very wonderful, brava!!!!

  13. Thank you for this! I have been trying to figure out if it’s a legit company or not. The wait time definitely threw me. I am wanting to order a jumpsuit from them!