Category: Raptures/Analysis

What Makes A Lady?

When you hear someone called a “lady,” what comes to mind? A dignified woman? A prissy one? Does she wear pearls? Cross her legs? Is

Flying The Flag

On the coast of Northern California On 9/11 I think about those who lost someone they loved. And those who had to witness or experience

Saturday Morning at 7:54am

I heard raccoons howling in the night. Thumping on my roof. They must be climbing up my elm. I haven’t even looked to see if

Monograms and Doc Martens

Writing about monograms (and continuing to find beautiful pictures) I have found myself thinking about identity. One might with good reason tell me I have

Shiny Purple Things

Money is a funny thing. Complicated. I have to admit. I didn’t really buy that purse so that people would know my family had money.

Fierce At 50, Or, The Risk/Return Curve

In two years of business school, I learned 10 things that were worth the effort. Approximately. Almost all of these fell into the general category

5 Things To Watch Out For In High WASPism

What To Watch Out For With Those Tricky High WASPs 1. Colonialism. Exploiting other creatures, i.e. using their capacity without fair recompense, is never good